💖 HOMILY - JUNE 25 💖

First Reading - 2 Kings 19:9-36

Gospel - Matthew 7:6,12-14

The readings of today teach us that we should always respect and honor holy things because they manifest the holiness of God.

Jesus advises his listeners to use holy things in a holy manner. The early Christians understood this in relation to the Eucharist as the holy thing to be handled by holy people or Christians. Verse 6 and following suggest that Jesus gives importance to prayers and his teachings. Therefore, the teachings of Jesus are treasures for the Christians for their lives. Thus, the teachings of Jesus should be treasured and preached respectfully. The teachings of Jesus guide us to a life of goodness as can be culled from the Golden Rule, “Whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them” (Mt 7:12). This is Jesus’ positive contribution to ancient and negative Jewish principles, meaning that real Christianity consists in doing good to others by loving service and works of mercy. The passage also reminds us that the teachings of Jesus inherently suggest a narrow path or a path that is hard and difficult. By saying, "Enter by the narrow gate," Jesus challenges his followers to “enter by the narrow gate and take the hard way that leads to life.”

The first reading shows that we should never disdain the true God. King Hezekiah, realizing the threat of the emerging power of the Assyrian kingdom, approaches God with his anxious mind and pours it out to God. He shows great faith in God, whom the king of Assyria had treated with contempt. God answers the petition of Hezekiah, protects His people, and manifests His power. The first reading shows us that the Holiness of God cannot be belittled and disdained.

Dear friends, let us learn to reverence and respect holy things in a holy manner. We receive the Holy Body and Blood of Jesus in the Mass; let that be celebrated and received with proper disposition and respect, so also the celebration of the Word of God. The holy things are given to us, and we need to pay great reverence to them lest the holiness of God is disdained and treated with contempt.

Let's become what we receive every day in the Mass: the instrument of goodness. Let's spread goodness and love, and we will also receive goodness and love in return. The teachings of Jesus inspire us to become instrumental in spreading goodness through our deeds, words, and thoughts. It's indeed tough and hard, all the same, this way leads us to life in Christ.

May God help us become what He wants us to be.

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