💖 HOMILY - JUNE 27 💖

First Reading - 2 Kings 24:8-17

Gospel - Matthew 7:21-29

We know the strength of a building or edifice by the strength and depth of its foundation. This is also applicable to our spiritual life. If our spiritual house isn't built strong, it can collapse anytime. The readings tell us today to lay a strong foundation for our spiritual house.

Jesus, through the gospel passage, invites us to build our house on a solid foundation. What does 'house' imply? It's our spiritual dwelling. Jesus makes a comparison between those who build their spiritual house on the rock and those who build their house on the sand. Psalm 18:2 says: "The Lord is my rock..." This means if a person lays the foundation of his/her spiritual house on the Lord, he/she will always remain strong against any storm or torturous situation because the Lord will sustain him/her. Whereas, the one who lays the foundation of his/her spiritual house on the sand is likened to a person who builds on a secular or ordinary foundation, in contrast to what is set apart for God or holy. Therefore, those who delve into the secular world or worldliness lay a very shallow foundation for their spiritual dwelling and are thus shattered by the storms and challenges of their lives. However, Jesus also underscores some guidelines on how to lay a foundation on the rock: by listening and living one's life according to His teachings. He contrasts those who don't mold their lives according to His teachings with those who build their house on the sand, and they are disowned by Him.

The first reading sets an example of those who lay a shallow foundation of their spiritual faith. They can be represented by King Jehoiachin of Judah, who did what was evil in the sight of God. Consequently, God allowed Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, to overpower the kingdom of Judah. God disowned the kingdom of Judah because of the infidelity of the people. This infidelity implies spiritual downfall, which can be equated with laying the foundation of a spiritual house on the sand.

Dear friends, the readings pose a challenge to us to lay a strong foundation of our spiritual life on the rock or on the Lord. This is possible only if we pay close attention to the word of God and try to mold our lives accordingly. We know that there are many occasions when our spiritual foundation is compromised due to our infidelity or worldly lifestyle. We listen to the word of God, but it remains mere in our hearing and is never actualized in our lives. It's through the word of God that is actualized in our daily life that we can lay a strong foundation for our spiritual life. Let's try every day to build a strong foundation of our faith by living the word of God.

Jesus reminds us today through the gospel that we can grow in our spiritual life by paying close attention to the word of God. Let's spend quality time meditating on the word of God and drawing inspiration for our everyday life.

May God help us build a strong foundation for our spiritual life.

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