💖 HOMILY - JUNE 29 💖

First Reading - Acts 12:1-11

Second Reading - 2 Timothy 4:6-18

Gospel - Matthew - 16:13-19

Today we honour two great pillars of the Church who worked strenuously for the spread of the Church even at the cost of their lives. Their martyrdom reminds us of their love and zeal for Christ and His teachings. The readings invite us to imbibe the same zeal and vigour for Christ and the gospel.

The gospel reading underlines two significant points or questions for our reflection. Firstly, do we know Christ personally or intimately? Secondly, are we ready to accept the teachings of Jesus through His envoys, who are chosen by Him? 

In the gospel, Jesus asks a general question to his disciples - who do people say I am? Thereafter asks a very personal question - what do you say I am? The answer to this question shows our personal relation with Jesus. Peter gets that rightly and answers that and Jesus entrusts him with a role of becoming the shepherd of His flock ("You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church" - change of name from Simon to Peter refers to a new mission or role) and gives him the key of heaven. Thence he becomes the steward and custodian of the Church. It's through Peter, the same power or authority is passed on to the Holy Father. It's the same authority shared with other Bishops, who stand for the apostles. 

Our Church is built on the foundation of the great zeal of Peter and Paul. Peter, as the head of the Church, exhibited great zeal and vigour for the gospel. He was imprisoned and he underwent persecutions. God was with him and protected him. In the first reading, we find how Peter experienced protective care of God when he was in the prison. He, as the head of the Church, having experienced the hand of God in his work, cultivated the same zeal and vigour in the hearts of the faithful by his preaching and teaching.

In the second reading, we come across the zeal of St. Paul for Christ and His gospel. He expresses complete trust in the protective care of God and believes that his zeal and vigour for the gospel is not vain but will certainly win him a great reward in heaven.

My dear friends, we are Christians and as Christians we should have a personal relation with our master and Lord, Jesus Christ. The leaders of the Church starting from our Pope, Bishops, priests and consecrated men and women help us to achieve this purpose by their teaching and preaching of the gospel. It's this personal relationship with Jesus will help us to remain faithful to Christ in all circumstances.

We also as followers of Christ must exhibit the zeal and vigour for Christ and His teachings as Sts. Peter and Paul showed. This zeal for Christ and the gospel can win us a sure reward in heaven as St. Paul confirms in the second reading.

May we prove ourselves worthy followers of Christ by our life of zeal and vigour for Jesus and the gospel.

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