First Reading - Ezekiel 9:1-7,10:18-22
Gospel - Matthew 18:15-20
In the first reading from Ezekiel, we witness a sobering vision of God's judgment on Jerusalem. This passage highlights the seriousness of sin and the consequences of turning away from God. The vision shows God’s glory departing from the temple, symbolizing the withdrawal of His presence due to the people's persistent disobedience. It’s a powerful reminder that God's justice is real, and that sin has tangible consequences, not just for individuals but for the entire community.
In the Gospel, Jesus teaches us about the importance of reconciliation and accountability within the Christian community. He outlines a process for addressing sin among believers, emphasizing that the goal is always to win back the person who has strayed. This passage underscores the value of community and the responsibility we have toward one another in the body of Christ. Jesus also assures us of His presence when we gather in His name, affirming that even in difficult conversations about sin and reconciliation, He is with us, guiding and strengthening us.
Dear friends, the readings call us to reflect on how we handle sin and conflict within our communities. The vision of Ezekiel warns us of the seriousness of turning away from God, while the Gospel encourages us to seek reconciliation with those who have wronged us, always with the goal of restoring relationships and fostering unity. As we meditate on these passages, let us ask God for the grace to be both just and merciful, and to always seek the well-being of our community by addressing issues with love, humility, and a spirit of reconciliation. May we be mindful of God's presence in our efforts to bring healing and unity within the body of Christ.