First Reading - Jeremiah 31:1-7

Gospel - Matthew 15:21-28

The Paris Olympics are currently taking place, with many athletes showcasing qualities such as perseverance and persistence. These qualities have propelled them to the level of representing their respective countries. Similarly, the readings of the day encourage us to cultivate perseverance and persistence in our faith, ensuring we do not become discouraged or disheartened.

The first reading offers a beautiful passage filled with assurance for the disheartened exiles. It reminds them of God's promise of renewal, sustaining their hopes during the dark days of Babylonian captivity. All people are invited to trust in God's promise, knowing He loves and cares for them.

In the gospel, we encounter the commendable faith of a Canaanite woman. Despite not being a Jew, her faith in Jesus contrasts sharply with that of the disciples, who had been reprimanded for their little faith just before this event. The interaction between Jesus and the woman is filled with humor and teasing. Jesus initially responds to her request with a seemingly harsh analogy, comparing the granting of her request to throwing children’s food to house dogs. However, the woman, showing neither anger nor disdain, responds with persistence and deep faith: "Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table." Her unwavering faith and trust in Jesus stand in stark contrast to the disciples' struggles to recognize Jesus' true identity. As a result, Jesus praises her faith and grants her request.

Dear friends, we often take pride in our faith in Jesus. Yet, like the Israelites who did not believe the prophet Jeremiah's message, we can experience wavering faith. This lack of faith led the Israelites to exile, serving as a punishment. However, Jeremiah continuously called the people to overcome their lack of faith, learn from past mistakes, and grow stronger in their trust in God. He taught that their difficulties should fortify their faith.

When faced with life's challenges, we too may show distrust and lack of confidence in God. We sometimes fail to believe that the God who loves and walks with us will help us overcome any obstacle. The Canaanite woman's story exemplifies a persistent and firm faith. She believed Jesus would not discourage her, and her faith was rewarded. Today, we need a similar stubborn and firm faith, helping us stay confident regardless of our situation or problem. Perseverance and persistence in faith enable us to overcome trials, difficulties, and pains in our lives.

May God help us persevere in our faith in every circumstance of our lives.

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