First Reading - 1 Corinthians 3:1-9

Gospel - Luke 4:38-44

Teaching, preaching, and healing were central to the ministry of Jesus, and these are the ministries we are called to embrace as well. The readings today invite us to actively participate in this threefold ministry in our daily lives.

In the first reading, St. Paul addresses a problem within the Christian community in Corinth: a division based on personal allegiances. Some members of the community took pride in being baptized by Paul, while others aligned themselves with Apollos. Recognizing the potential for division, Paul emphasizes that what truly matters is not the person who guided them to faith but their allegiance to God. He urges the Christians to mature in their faith, taking pride in their relationship with God rather than in human leaders. Paul’s message is clear: our ultimate allegiance should always be to God, who is the source of our faith and the reason for our pride.

The Gospel reading highlights the ways in which Jesus built up the Kingdom of God through His ministries of preaching, healing, and prayer. Jesus preached the Good News of God’s love, mercy, and salvation, drawing people to believe in a loving and provident God. His healing ministry demonstrated the mercy and compassion of His Heavenly Father, as He tirelessly healed the sick who came to Him in faith. Even after a long day of ministry, Jesus would spend time in prayer, drawing strength from His relationship with the Father.

Dear friends, as followers of Christ, we are called to continue Jesus’ preaching mission by bearing witness to Him through our everyday lives. This means radiating Christ’s love, mercy, forgiveness, and spirit of humble service to everyone around us. We preach not only through words but through our actions and the example we set in our communities.

We can also participate in Jesus’ healing mission by praying for the sick, visiting them, offering help and encouragement, and supporting those who are suffering. In doing so, we become instruments of God’s healing love in the world.

St. Paul’s reminder to give our allegiance to God is crucial in this context. Whether we are preaching, teaching, or healing, our ultimate goal should always be to lead others to God, not to ourselves. Our works should proclaim the Good News of Christ, making Him known and loved by those we serve. 

To effectively participate in these ministries, we must stay spiritually grounded, just as Jesus did. This requires us to recharge our spiritual batteries through daily prayer and time spent in God’s presence. By being God-focused and maintaining a strong relationship with Him, we can more fully participate in Christ’s mission and bring His love and healing to those around us.

May God grant us the wisdom and strength to discover how we can best participate in the threefold ministry of Christ in our lives.

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