First Reading - Ephesians 2:12-22 

Gospel - Luke 12:35-38

We all seek peace and belonging in our lives, but often, we let division and self-centeredness get in the way. Today’s readings remind us that Christ has come to tear down the walls that divide us, calling us to unity and vigilance as we await His return. 

In the first reading, Paul speaks to the Ephesians, reminding them of their previous state of separation from God. He emphasizes how, through Jesus Christ, those who were once far away have been brought near. Christ, through His sacrifice, has broken down the barriers of division between Jews and Gentiles, making peace and creating one new humanity. In this new relationship, Christ Himself is our peace, the cornerstone upon which the whole structure of the Church is built. Paul stresses that we are no longer strangers or outsiders, but members of God’s household, united by the Spirit. This profound gift of unity in Christ should inspire us to live as one, not allowing pride or division to separate us.

In the Gospel, Jesus shifts the focus to vigilance. He speaks of servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding feast, urging them to be ready, with lamps lit and prepared for service. The message is clear: we must live in constant readiness, anticipating the Lord’s return at any moment. The faithful servant, Jesus says, will be rewarded for staying alert, while those who grow complacent risk missing out on the joy of the master’s arrival. Jesus’ teaching here is not just about physical preparedness but also about the readiness of our hearts—remaining steadfast in faith, love, and service.

Both readings converge on the theme of readiness and unity. Paul reminds us that Christ has reconciled us to God and to one another, forming us into one community. But the Gospel calls us to ask: what are we doing with this unity? Are we living in peace and service, or are we allowing division, distraction, or complacency to take root?

Dear friends, these readings challenge us to examine both our relationships with others and our relationship with God. First, we must ask ourselves: are we living in peace and unity with those around us? Christ’s death on the cross destroyed the barriers between us—whether they be social, racial, or economic. As members of God’s household, we are called to live as one body, caring for each other and reflecting the love and peace of Christ to the world. We should not allow pride, grudges, or differences to separate us from one another. 

Second, we are called to spiritual vigilance. Christ has given us His peace, but He also calls us to stay alert, to live each day as though it is our last opportunity to serve Him. The master in the parable could return at any time, and the faithful servant is the one who is always ready. Are we spiritually prepared? Are we using our time, talents, and resources to serve others, or are we wasting them on things that don’t last?

Let us remain vigilant in our faith, always ready to welcome the Lord. And let us work toward unity, breaking down the barriers that divide us and living as true members of God’s family. In doing so, we not only prepare ourselves for Christ’s return but also bring His peace and love into the world here and now. May we be found faithful servants, ready to embrace the Master when He comes.

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