First Reading - 1 Kings 17:10-16

Second Reading - Hebrews 9:24-28

Gospel - Mark 12:38-44

Today’s readings focus on the theme of sacrificial generosity—giving not from surplus or convenience, but from a place of faith, humility, and trust in God. True generosity is often shown not through the quantity we give, but through the depth of love and faith that accompany our offering. These readings remind us that God sees the heart of the giver and values the gift that comes from sacrifice.

In the first reading, we hear the story of the widow of Zarephath, who, in a time of drought and famine, has only a handful of flour and a little oil left. Despite her desperate situation, she offers the prophet Elijah the last bit of food she has, an act of pure faith and compassion. Trusting Elijah’s promise that God will provide, she makes him a small loaf, and God indeed sustains her and her son. Her sacrifice, though seemingly small, becomes a moment of profound faith and generosity. God multiplies her offering, and her family is nourished throughout the famine. This story highlights the truth that God sees and blesses the sacrifices we make, no matter how small they may seem.

The second reading from Hebrews reminds us of the ultimate act of sacrificial love—Christ’s self-offering on the cross. Unlike the repeated sacrifices of the Old Covenant, Christ’s sacrifice was made “once for all,” opening the way for our salvation. His gift of Himself is the ultimate model of generosity, showing us the fullness of God’s love and the call to give ourselves in return. Christ did not hold back, but poured out everything in love, offering us a new covenant of grace. His example calls us to follow with generous hearts, willing to make sacrifices for the sake of others and to grow closer to God.

In the Gospel, Jesus observes people giving their offerings at the temple. Many wealthy individuals contribute large sums, but it is a poor widow who captures His attention. She places two small coins into the treasury, all that she has to live on. Jesus praises her, saying that she has given more than all the others because, while they gave out of their abundance, she gave out of her poverty. Her gift, though small in material value, is immeasurable in its generosity, as she offers her very livelihood in trust to God. This widow teaches us that true generosity is a matter of the heart and that God cherishes the gift given from a place of faith and love.

These readings invite us to reflect on our own acts of giving. It’s easy to give when we have a surplus, but it takes courage and trust to give when it involves sacrifice. Just as the widows in today’s readings show, God honors the gift that comes from the heart, especially when it costs us something. In those moments, our trust in God deepens, and we experience His faithfulness in ways we never would if we only gave from our abundance.

Dear friends, we are each called to practice sacrificial generosity, not only with our money but also with our time, our talents, and our love. In a world that often values wealth and abundance, today’s readings remind us that God values the humble, heartfelt gift. Even the smallest act of kindness or the simplest offering can have a lasting impact when it is given with faith and love.

May we strive to be generous in our hearts and willing to make sacrifices in love. Let us trust that God, who sees our hearts, will bless and multiply our offerings, just as He did for the widow of Zarephath and the poor widow at the temple. In following their example, may we grow in faith and find our lives enriched in God’s abundant grace.

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