First Reading - Jeremiah 33:14-16

Second Reading - 1 Thessalonians 3:12-4:2

Gospel - Luke 21:25-28,34-36

Life often feels like a journey of anticipation. We eagerly await milestones, whether it’s a long-anticipated reunion, the birth of a child, or a joyful celebration. These moments fill us with hope and purpose. Today, as we begin the season of Advent, the Church invites us to step into a season of expectant waiting—not for fleeting joys, but for the coming of the Lord. Advent rekindles our hope in God’s promises and challenges us to live lives worthy of His coming.

The first reading from Jeremiah speaks of a divine promise. During a time of great turmoil for Israel, the prophet offers words of hope: God will fulfill His covenant and raise a just Savior from the line of David. This Savior will execute justice and righteousness, and His presence will be our security. Jeremiah’s prophecy invites us to trust in God’s fidelity, even when we face uncertainty or despair. The promise of the Messiah is a reminder that God’s word is true and His timing is perfect.  

In the second reading, Paul encourages the Thessalonians to grow in love and holiness as they prepare for the coming of the Lord. He reminds them that this preparation is not just about external readiness but about inner transformation. Advent calls us to the same. As we await Christ’s coming, we are invited to examine our hearts, grow in love for one another, and strengthen our commitment to living according to God’s will. Paul’s exhortation reminds us that our waiting is active, not passive—it requires us to prepare ourselves spiritually for the day when we will stand before the Lord.  

The Gospel reading from Luke provides a vivid picture of the Second Coming. Jesus describes cosmic signs that will fill people with fear and anxiety, but He tells His followers to “stand erect” and “raise your heads” because their redemption is near. Jesus also cautions against becoming weighed down by the distractions of life—dissipation, drunkenness, and anxieties. Instead, He urges us to remain vigilant, prayerful, and ready. The Lord’s return is not something to dread but something to anticipate with hope and confidence. For those who live in faith and love, His coming is a moment of redemption and fulfillment.

Dear friends, Advent is a season of hope, preparation, and renewal. It is a time to lift our eyes from the distractions and worries of life and focus on what truly matters: our relationship with God and our readiness for His coming. Just as we prepare our homes for a guest, we are called to prepare our hearts for the Lord. This preparation involves growing in love, deepening our faith, and living lives of integrity.  

Let us ask ourselves: Are we ready to welcome Christ into our lives? Have we made room for Him in our hearts? This Advent, let us embrace the hope of Jeremiah’s prophecy, the call to love and holiness in Paul’s letter, and the vigilance Jesus encourages in the Gospel. May we live each day with joyful anticipation of the Lord’s coming, standing firm in faith and love.  

As we journey through Advent, let us echo the prayer of the early Christians: “Come, Lord Jesus!” May He find us ready, vigilant, and faithful, so that His coming will be a moment of joy and fulfillment for us all.  

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