First Reading - Isaiah 9:1-7
Second Reading - Titus 2:11-14
Gospel - Luke 2:1-14
Today, we gather to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, which occurred over 2,000 years ago. Looking through the lens of His Resurrection, the New Testament authors and the Fathers of the Church saw in the writings of the prophets the fulfillment of long-awaited promises in Jesus, the Messiah.
In the first reading, Isaiah, speaking to a people longing for hope, foretells the arrival of a "prince of peace." In Jesus, we see the fulfillment of this prophecy. Through Him, light entered the darkness of human history, bringing relief and restoration to God's people.
The second reading, from Paul’s letter to Titus, reminds us of God’s saving power in Christ. It calls us to live virtuously in the present and to hold onto hope for the future, a hope rooted in the grace that has appeared through the birth of Christ.
The Gospel narrates the humble birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, revealed first to shepherds. These shepherds, often overlooked in society, were entrusted with the profound message of peace and joy for all. Their presence at the manger reminds us of Jesus’ mission to uplift the lowly and bring salvation to all.
Dear friends, as we reflect on these readings, the question for us this Christmas is: Have we made room for Jesus in our hearts? It is easy to feel sorrowful for the people in Bethlehem who turned Mary and Joseph away, but we must ask ourselves whether we are doing the same by ignoring Christ in the needy, the lonely, and the forgotten among us. Each person we encounter is a living reflection of the Incarnate God. To close our hearts to them is to close our hearts to Him.
Christmas invites us to experience Jesus as Emmanuel—God-with-us. This is the essence of our celebration: God seeking us, revealing Himself to us, and dwelling within us. Each of us carries a deep hunger for purpose, love, and meaning, which only God can truly satisfy. The message of Christmas is that, in every moment of our lives, even in fear or sorrow, God is with us.
Let us go forth with renewed faith and embrace Jesus as our Lord and Savior. May we carry the light of Christmas into our homes, our communities, and our hearts, living each day with the joy and hope of Emmanuel, God-with-us.