First Reading - 1 John 5:14-21 

Gospel - John 3:22-30

In life, we often get caught up in seeking recognition, approval, and success. We want to be noticed and appreciated, and this desire for attention can subtly become the driving force behind our actions. But today’s readings remind us of a deeper truth — our purpose is not to bring glory to ourselves but to point others to Christ. Our joy and fulfillment come from making Him known, not from seeking our own spotlight.

In the Gospel, John the Baptist gives us a powerful example of humility and purpose. His disciples express concern that people are leaving him to follow Jesus, but John is not threatened or envious. Instead, he responds with remarkable clarity and peace: “He must increase, but I must decrease.” John understands his role in God’s plan. He recognizes that his mission was never about drawing people to himself but about preparing the way for Jesus. His joy is complete when he sees others turning to Christ.

This is a lesson for all of us. Like John, we are called to lead others to Christ, not to ourselves. Our actions, words, and choices should reflect God’s love and truth, not our own ambition or pride. But this requires humility — the willingness to step back and let God take center stage in our lives.

In the First Reading, St. John speaks of the confidence we have in God when we align ourselves with His will. But he also warns us to guard against idols. In today’s world, idols aren’t just statues; they are anything that takes God’s place in our hearts. These idols can be our achievements, our reputations, or even our desire for approval. When we live for these things, we risk losing sight of our true mission — to glorify God.

Dear friends, we need to shift our focus from ourselves to God. In our daily lives, we can ask ourselves, “Am I doing this to be noticed, or am I doing it to glorify God?” Whether we are at work, with family, or in our communities, we are called to reflect God’s love, compassion, and truth. Small acts of kindness, forgiveness, and integrity can make a significant impact when they are done with the intention of pointing others to Christ.

One practical way to live this out is by cultivating humility. Humility doesn’t mean thinking less of ourselves; it means thinking of ourselves less. It means recognizing that every gift and opportunity we have is a blessing from God, and our responsibility is to use it for His glory.  

Another practical step is to spend time in prayer, asking God to help us align our will with His. Just as Jesus withdrew to pray and seek the Father’s guidance, we need regular moments of quiet to reflect on our purpose and renew our commitment to living for God.

As we go about our daily tasks, let us echo the words of John the Baptist: “He must increase, but I must decrease.” Let us strive to live in a way that points others to God’s love and grace. When we do this, we experience a joy that the world cannot give — the joy of knowing that we are part of God’s greater plan to bring His light to the world.  

May our lives be a reflection of God’s glory, and may we always remember that our greatest purpose is not to elevate ourselves, but to lift up Christ.

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