First Reading - Hebrews 1:1-6 

Gospel - Mark 1:14-20

A simple invitation can transform your entire path — from a new friendship to an unexpected opportunity. Today’s readings remind us that God is constantly calling us by name, inviting us into something greater than ourselves. But the question is: Are we ready to leave behind what we know and follow where He leads?

In the Gospel, we see Jesus begin His public ministry with a bold proclamation: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent and believe in the Good News.” Then, without hesitation, He calls His first disciples — Simon, Andrew, James, and John. Imagine the scene. They are ordinary fishermen, going about their daily work. But when Jesus calls them, they leave their nets, their boats, even their families, and follow Him. They don’t ask for guarantees or details. They simply trust that following Jesus will lead them to something more meaningful and lasting than anything they could build on their own.

The First Reading from Hebrews reveals why this call is so life-changing. It reminds us that God, who once spoke to His people through prophets, has now spoken to us through His Son. Jesus is not just another teacher or prophet — He is the very reflection of God’s glory, the exact imprint of God’s being. His words are not just advice; they are life-giving truth. When Jesus calls, He is inviting us to encounter the living God and to participate in His mission to transform the world.

Dear friends, but what does this call mean for us today? Most of us aren’t fishermen by trade, and we may not be asked to leave our jobs or homes behind. Yet, Jesus still calls us to leave behind something — our fears, doubts, or attachments that keep us from fully embracing His mission. He calls us to let go of anything that holds us back from living with purpose and following His example of love, compassion, and service.

The call to discipleship is both personal and communal. Jesus calls each of us individually, meeting us where we are in our unique circumstances. But He also calls us into community — to work together in building His kingdom. The disciples didn’t follow Jesus alone; they journeyed together, supporting one another in their mission. In the same way, we are called to walk this path with others, offering encouragement and sharing in the work of bringing God’s love to the world.

We must listen for God’s call in our daily lives and respond with trust and courage. This doesn’t always mean dramatic changes. Sometimes, it’s in the small, daily choices — choosing kindness over anger, forgiveness over resentment, and generosity over selfishness. It’s in recognizing that every encounter with another person is an opportunity to reflect God’s love.

Perhaps Jesus is calling you to reach out to someone in need, to mend a broken relationship, or to use your gifts to serve others. Maybe He is asking you to step out of your comfort zone and trust Him in a new way. Whatever the call, know that Jesus doesn’t just invite you to follow — He walks with you every step of the way.

As we reflect on today’s readings, let us ask ourselves: What are the “nets” we need to leave behind? What is holding us back from fully responding to God’s call? And are we ready to trust that following Jesus will lead us to a life of deeper purpose and joy?

May we, like the first disciples, hear the voice of Jesus calling our name and respond with open hearts, saying, “Yes, Lord, I will follow.” For when we do, we not only transform our own lives — we become part of God’s great mission to transform the world.

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