First Reading - Hebrews 7:25-8:6
Gospel - Mark 3:7-12
The first reading from Hebrews speaks of Jesus’ priesthood as one of unparalleled perfection. Unlike the priests of Aaron’s lineage, Jesus is holy, innocent, and free from sin. He does not need to make atonement for His own sins because He is sinless. His sacrifice on the cross was not just an annual ritual like the Day of Atonement; it was a once-and-for-all act of redemption. Now seated at the right hand of the Father, Jesus continually intercedes for us, presenting His eternal sacrifice before God on our behalf.
This teaching finds its profound expression in the Eucharist. In the Eucharistic celebration, Jesus becomes tangibly present to us. It is here that we encounter His life-giving touch, a touch that heals our spiritual wounds and strengthens us in our weaknesses. The Eucharist is not merely a ritual but an intimate encounter with Christ, who prays for us, intercedes for us, and offers us the grace we need to be transformed.
The Gospel adds another layer to this reflection by showing us the multitudes flocking to Jesus. People came from everywhere, desperate to touch Him, driven by the hope of being healed. They had either witnessed or heard of His miraculous power, and they trusted that even the smallest contact with Him could bring about a profound change in their lives. This yearning to touch Jesus reveals their deep faith and hope in His healing power.
What about us? Do we yearn for the healing touch of Jesus in our lives? While we may not face the physical challenges of those in the Gospel, many of us carry spiritual wounds—anger, envy, hatred, unforgiveness, or grudges—that rob us of peace and joy. These inner conflicts make us sick, keeping us from living fully as God desires. The Gospel calls us to bring these burdens to Jesus, to reach out to Him with faith and trust, and allow His touch to heal and restore us.
We have a special opportunity to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist. When we receive Him in the Word and the Holy Communion, we touch Him in a real and profound way. But this encounter requires an earnest desire on our part—a longing to be healed, to be freed from what holds us back, and to be transformed into His likeness. Like the crowds in the Gospel, we must approach Jesus with faith, trusting in His power to heal and save.
Let us open our hearts to Jesus, seeking His healing touch in our lives. Whether we are struggling with spiritual sickness, emotional pain, or physical challenges, He is ready to heal us. Let us come to Him with the same earnest desire as those who flocked to Him, confident that His touch can make us whole.
May the power of Jesus’ touch in the Eucharist and in our prayer bring us healing, peace, and the strength to live as witnesses of His love and mercy. Let us approach Him with faith and trust, allowing His touch to transform our lives.