First Reading - 1 John 4:11-18
Gospel - Mark 6:45-52
In the First Reading, St. John tells us, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear.” This statement is both profound and challenging. Fear often creeps into our hearts when we feel uncertain, vulnerable, or unworthy. But John reminds us that if we truly understand and experience God’s love, fear has no place. God’s love is not conditional or based on our performance. It is perfect, unchanging, and complete. When we rest in this love, we find the courage to face whatever life throws at us, because we know we are never alone.
The Gospel shows us what happens when fear takes over and when trust in God’s love is restored. After the miracle of feeding the five thousand, Jesus sends His disciples ahead by boat while He goes up the mountain to pray. As they cross the sea, a strong wind arises, and they struggle to keep the boat steady. Fear grips them, and they feel overwhelmed by the storm.
In their fear, they fail to recognize Jesus when He approaches them, walking on the water. Instead of finding comfort in His presence, they are terrified, thinking He is a ghost. But Jesus reassures them with simple yet powerful words: “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.” These words reveal a key truth — Jesus is always with us in our storms. When we recognize His presence, our fears begin to fade.
Fear blinds the disciples to the miracle unfolding before them. They had just witnessed Jesus multiply bread and fish to feed thousands, yet they still doubted His power when faced with their own crisis. How often are we like the disciples? We experience God’s love and blessings in our lives, yet when challenges arise, we let fear take over. We forget that the same God who provided for us yesterday is still with us today.
Dear friends, Jesus invites us to trust in His presence, even when life feels overwhelming. Storms will come — in the form of illness, uncertainty, broken relationships, or loss. But the love of God, made known to us through Christ, is stronger than any storm. His love assures us that we are not abandoned.
St. John reminds us that the more we remain in God’s love, the less room there is for fear. This doesn’t mean we won’t face difficulties, but it does mean that we won’t face them alone. God’s perfect love gives us the confidence to keep moving forward, knowing that He walks with us through every challenge.
In our own lives, we are called to reflect this love to others. John says, “If we love one another, God remains in us, and His love is brought to perfection in us.” When we become instruments of God’s love — through acts of kindness, forgiveness, and compassion — we help drive out fear in others. A word of encouragement, a helping hand, or a listening ear can be the reminder someone needs that they are not alone in their storm.
Today’s readings invite us to examine our hearts. Are we living in fear, or are we rooted in the perfect love of God? Are we able to recognize Christ’s presence in our storms, or are we too focused on the winds and waves?
Let us hear Jesus’ words once again: “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.” May we hold on to this assurance, trusting that God’s love will always carry us through. And as we experience His perfect love, may we reflect that love to others, becoming a source of peace and hope in a world that often feels lost in fear.