First Reading - Genesis 3:1-8

Gospel - Mark 7:31-37

We have all experienced moments of regret—times when we made a wrong choice and wished we could undo it. Often, the problem is not just the mistake itself, but the way we try to cover it up. Today’s readings show us both the tragic reality of sin and the hope of restoration through Jesus Christ.  

In the first reading from Genesis, we witness the fall of humanity. The serpent deceives Eve by making sin look attractive. He convinces her that disobeying God will make her like Him, knowing good and evil. Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit, and immediately, their eyes are opened—not to wisdom, but to shame. They realize they are naked, and instead of turning to God, they hide from Him. This is what sin does—it makes us afraid, ashamed, and distant from God. But God does not abandon them; He still seeks them out, calling, “Where are you?” This is not just a physical question but a spiritual one. God is asking them to recognize their brokenness and return to Him.  

In contrast to this story of disobedience and separation, the Gospel presents a story of healing and restoration. A deaf man with a speech impediment is brought to Jesus. Jesus takes him aside, touches his ears and tongue, and says, “Ephphatha!”—“Be opened!” Immediately, the man is healed. This miracle is more than just physical healing; it is a sign of how Jesus restores what is broken.  

These two readings give us a clear message: sin closes us off, but Jesus opens us up. When Adam and Eve sinned, they became spiritually deaf to God’s voice and hesitant to speak honestly with Him. But Jesus comes to heal our spiritual deafness and loosen our tongues so that we may hear His word and proclaim His goodness.  

This challenges us to reflect on our own lives. Are there areas where sin has made us distant from God? Are we hiding from Him out of guilt or fear? Jesus invites us today to be opened—to hear His voice, to confess our sins, and to experience His healing.  

Let us not remain in hiding, but instead, come before the Lord with honesty. May we allow Him to touch our hearts, heal our wounds, and restore our relationship with Him. Just as He healed the deaf man, He desires to open our ears to His love and our lips to His praise. Today, may we hear His call and respond with faith and trust.

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