First Reading - Genesis 8:6-13,20-22 

Gospel - Mark 8:22-26

Faith is said to have a transforming effect, provided it is allowed to transform oneself. The readings of today touch upon the sap of our faith, the Word of God, that sustains us in our faith and transforms us daily. Hence, we need to give an appropriate place to the Word of God in our lives.  

The first reading presents an account of the receding of the flood and the normalization of life after the flood. The story teaches us that there is a chance of beginning anew after great chaos and confusion in life. The flood destroyed everything, and when the water receded, Noah began a new life by thanking the Lord and offering Him a sacrifice. In the story, we see the patience and faith of Noah in his waiting for the receding of the water. It is interesting to notice that Noah gives credit to God for his new life and acknowledges His goodness. In fact, the whole action of Noah displays his great faith in God.  

The Gospel demonstrates a beautiful episode of the healing of a blind man. This episode of healing incites doubts about the power of Jesus, unlike other miracles, as it is performed twice, as if to perfect the first. However, the symbolism of the miracle clarifies our suspicious views on it. The symbolism of the episode is to display the recognition of the identity of Jesus by his disciples, who until now could not know him but slowly come to recognize Jesus after receiving a touch or blessing from him—like the blind man who received the first touch of Jesus and was able to see, but not clearly. With the second touch, he recovered his sight fully. So it is with the disciples, who now recognize the identity of Jesus vaguely with his first blessing or touch (referring to the miracles and teachings of Jesus), but they will recognize him fully with the second touch (the evidence of the resurrection).  

Dear friends, a question is posed to us today: "Do we recognize Jesus?" This question is asked time and again, and we have different answers. We can be Catholics without really recognizing Jesus fully, like the disciples in the initial stages. We can be believers without seeing Him clearly, like the blind man. We do need a second touch from Jesus to recognize Him fully, just as was done for the blind man and the disciples in the Gospel. The second touch for us is to allow the Word of God to sink into our hearts and saturate us through and through. When the Word of God finds a place in us in the right way, we will be transformed, and our perspective will change.  

The Word of God can ignite the doused or extinguished fire of religiosity or religious piety. Many say that they do not find meaning in the Christian faith or religious piety/practices and do not live it. They need to revisit the inflaming fire of the depth of spirituality and the meaning of the Christian faith in the Word of God that spoke to many in the past and continues to speak even now. The Word of God must find a place in us and be allowed to transform us; hence, real vigor will spring forth from within.  

We have received the first touch of Jesus through our faith. Let us allow the Word of God to touch us again so that we may live it daily in our lives.

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