First Reading - Jeremiah 17:5-8

Second Reading - 1 Corinthians 15:12,16-20 

Gospel - Luke 6:17,20-26

We live in a world where success is measured by wealth, power, and comfort. People chase financial security, social status, and approval, believing that these bring happiness. Yet, Jesus turns this thinking upside down in today’s Gospel. He proclaims that the poor, the hungry, and the sorrowful are blessed, while the rich and satisfied are warned. This is the great reversal of God’s kingdom—a call to trust not in what the world offers but in what God provides.  

Jeremiah presents a striking contrast between those who trust in human strength and those who trust in the Lord. He compares them to trees. The one who relies on himself is like a barren bush in the desert, struggling under the heat of life’s challenges. But the one who trusts in God is like a tree planted by the water, flourishing even in times of drought. This image invites us to reflect on where we are drawing our strength. Are we striving to make it on our own, or are we planted firmly in God’s grace?  

Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, reminds us that our faith is not built on temporary things but on the resurrection of Christ. If Christ had not risen, our faith would be in vain. This is a powerful statement because it tells us that everything we hope for, everything we endure, finds its meaning in the victory of Jesus over death. If we truly believe in the resurrection, then our struggles, sacrifices, and sufferings are not meaningless. They are part of a greater reality that leads us to eternal life.  

Jesus’ words in the Beatitudes challenge our perspective on life. The world tells us to avoid suffering and seek comfort, but Jesus blesses those who embrace their dependence on God. This is not to say that poverty, hunger, or suffering are good in themselves. Rather, they become moments of grace when they lead us to trust more deeply in God. The rich, the full, and the satisfied are not condemned, but they are warned. If our hearts are set only on earthly things, we risk missing out on the lasting joy that only God can give.  

The message today is clear: true happiness is not found in riches or comfort but in a life rooted in God. If we trust in Him, we become like that tree planted by the water, nourished by His love and unshaken by life’s difficulties. So how can we live this out in practical ways? First, we must examine where we place our trust. Do we spend more time securing material wealth than deepening our relationship with God? Do we find peace in prayer, or do we only feel secure when we have financial stability?  

Second, we are called to generosity. If Jesus warns against the dangers of riches, then the antidote is sharing what we have. When we give to the poor, help those in need, and support the vulnerable, we align ourselves with God’s kingdom rather than the world’s values.  

Third, we are invited to see suffering differently. Instead of avoiding difficulties at all costs, we can embrace them as opportunities to grow in faith. When we face hardships, do we complain, or do we use them to draw closer to God?  

Finally, we must live with an eternal perspective. If Christ is truly risen, then our hope is not in this life alone. Our choices, our sacrifices, and our struggles gain meaning because we know that God’s promises will never fail. Let us trust in Him, so that like the tree planted by the water, we may always find life, even in the driest of seasons.

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