First Reading - Proverbs 3:27-34

Gospel - Luke 8:16-18

The instructions in any form help us know what to be done and what to be avoided. The instructions are required to warn and guide people. Today the readings present to us a number of instructions that guide us to choose a righteous life.

The first reading is a piece of writing that guides to a righteous life. It certainly begins with the negative openings of 'do not' but inheres wise instructions. The sayings positively impart the guidelines to maintain a good relationship with another by being generous with the needy (neighbours)and avoiding evil plots and quarrels. The passage finally assures that by choosing the way to righteous, all can recieve God's favour and blessings.

Today’s Gospel passage contains three beautiful instructions of Jesus which follows after the parable of the sower viz. The first saying, often called the parable of the lamp, represents a reflection of Jesus for the disciples: just as Jesus explained the parable of the sower, so they must explain the teaching of Jesus to any who wish to enter. The second saying reflects on the extent of revelation: not only the parable of the sower but eventually all the truth will be revealed. The third saying, which Luke introduces by ‘take care how you listen’, is an encouragement to make use of the treasure of revelation, with a warning that lack of understanding easily intensifies into total ignorance.

Dear friends, an invitation is extended to each one of us to implement the instructions of Jesus so that the radiance of life can be shared by all. Jesus emphasizes in the gospel that each of his disciple is to act like the light that reflects his teachings through their lives, deeds and words. However, he also further underlines that in order to diffuse the teachings it's important that they primarily understand the teachings of Jesus by themselves, and implement them in their lives. This implementation of the teachings of Jesus leads to a righteous life itself. The first reading reminds that it's vital that our practice of the teachings is reflected in our relationship with one another. In short, it reminds that our life of righteousness affects our relationship with one another positively, particularly in our dealing with the needy and our neighbours.

It's not deniable that many times we are mere good hears of the Word of God but little doers of it. The invitation of today is to assimilate the message of Jesus and mould our lives accordingly. The readings challange us today to allow the Word of God to affect us positively and bring about change in us.

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