First Reading - Proverbs 21:1-6,10-13

Gospel - Luke 8:19-21

The routine or schedule is an ordinary thing when it entails the school, work place, transportation etc. They demand our punctuality. However, when it comes to our faith or our relationship with God, it's more than routine or schedule; it's a matter of full involvement with heart. The readings invite us to intensify our relationship with God by giving our whole heart to Him in doing what He wants from us.

In the gospel, we come across a very strange episode where Jesus apparantly refuses to acknowledge his family members. In fact, he doesn't do that but widens the family circle to all those who do the will of God or his followers. He doesn't denounce his mother but exalts her role in his life because she exemplifies the one who fully conformed herself to the will of God and carried it out faithfully.

The first reading is an excellent piece of writing that reminds us that our desire to do good or do the will of God can win great value in the sight of God when the person agrees to it with heart. The reading lays stress on the centrality of 'heart' in terms of doing the will of God. The first reading also ellaborates, why the centrality of heart matters; It's because the good actions can be seen by others and also the righteous deeds can be observed by people which ultimately reckon him or her as righteous but God sees the heart and not merely superficiality of action; which also means the disposition of a person. The reading further cites that a person can offer sacrifices but righteousness is not sought by him or her in terms of justice, peace, love, truth, diligence, sensitivity or generosity, then that sacrifice is not rewarded by God. God desires the heart of the person to be dedicated to God in seeking and doing what pleases to God. Therefore, the reading invites to place our heart in doing what God expects from us.

Dear friends, Jesus invites us today to embrace his family and become the member of his family. The invitation to be the member of his family is not merely through the reception of the Sacrament of Baptism but through living everyday in accordance with the teachings of Jesus. He gives us as a model his blessed mother who reflected upon the ways of God and lived it daily. We are also invited to follow the examples of Mary in following Christ.

However, we are cautioned that our imitation of Christ should not be by mere shallow or superficial actions but motivated and willed by our hearts. The 'heart' implies the reasoning, feelings and choosing (from the biblical perspective), therefore the involvement of hearts also means with whole being of oneself. Hence, in seeking to do what God wants us to do, our whole being is to be involved; no place to superficiality or mediocrity. Let's try from our part to live the word of God daily with our whole heart. Let's give our whole heart in carrying our actions and not mere actions without heart.

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