First Reading - Ephesians 2:19-22

Gospel - Luke 6:12-16

The Nicene Creed defines the Church as one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. The meaning is axiomatic. The Church is the unity of all believers into one body with Christ as the head spread all across with a mission of proclamation of the good news. The readings of today invite us to fondly cherish the spiritual inheritance we have received through the Church down through the history. They also extend an invitation to us to contribute to the building of the Church.

The first reading resolves the confusion of division. Paul indicates that in Christ we all are united into his body. Paul intends to say that there is no division or separation in Christ on account of race or colour or social status but all are knit together in Christ. Paul claims fundamental underpinnings which structures the framework of Church. The underpinnings (the essential nature of the Church; one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church) that he emphasizes in the passage can be enumerated as following: 1) Paul stresses on the unity of all believers, whether Jews or Gentiles irrespectively. 2) The unity of believers is founded on Christ and his teachings as he is the main cornerstone (this also means that the apostles and the prophets have been the first witnesses of the grace to proclaim the good news, hence they are the pillers of this Church). 3) We all contribute to the building of the temple which is the Church where God himself resides.

The gospel of today mentions about the call of apostles. The most striking part of the call of apostles can be seen in the progressive manner: 1) Jesus spends whole night in prayer to choose the apostles (close circle of disciples who will become his witnesses subsequently). The call of apostles was not random but was prayed over. This close circle of disciples included all sorts of people - zealots (nationalists of the time), thiefs, fishermen, tax collector etc. 2) Jesus called the twelve to himself. This is a very special call. The twelve were called to share a very special relationship with Jesus. 3) Jesus gave a name to them - apostles (sent ones). The word 'apostle' itself signifies the role of the twelve to be the ones sent in the name of Jesus with authority and power. 

Dear friends, today we are reminded that we are part and parcel of the Church. In fact, the readings tell us that our Church is more than a structure of a building rather it's the believes who make up the Church. The apostles had been instrumental in carrying forward the good news of salvation. The apostles Simon and Jude stand out today as beautiful examples of apostleship till the end of their lives as they embraced martyrdom. The first reading invites us to fondly cherish the patrimony we have inherited as members in the Church. This patrimony unites us together under the guidance of the instruction and teachings of Jesus imparted by the apostles and thier successors even to date. We, as important parts of the Church, are invited to preserve the unity of brotherhood among ourselves as Christians and new apostles of the time. We are also urged by the readings to live the teachings of Jesus imparted by the apostles and their successors now because they help us to preserve our identity as Christians. Above all, we are also invited today to carry on the work of building up the Church by being witnesses of the good news to people by our way of life and example.

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