First Reading - Titus 1:1-9

Gospel - Luke 17:1-6

Many times, it's easy to speak but difficult to do. The readings are reminding us today that we are all leaders by the very fact we guide and lead people (our friends, students, children, family members etc.) in different ways. However, as leaders, we need to reform ourselves first, in order to guide others properly.

The first reading is a beautiful passage that reminds us of two key ideas; firstly, Paul sees himself as the envoy of the good news of salvation. Secondly, Paul reminds Titus of having organized the different communities under an able leader with integrity of life and piety. The second part concerns about the appointment of leadership and their requirements. Paul particularly underlines the requirements of leadership because every leader is a driving force for the rest and uprightness of a leader means uprightness of the rest as well. Paul demands that the leaders of the communities should manifest a goodness and uprightness of life on their part and and lead others in the same path.

The gospel of today gives us an opportunity to understand that the virtues of uprightness, truth and simplicity of heart should be lived in relation to one another. Jesus suggests in the gospel, how to live our life in relationship with one another; firstly, he admonishes to avoid leading the members astray. This evokes the historical problem of some prominent figures leading the Christians astray by their wrong teachings. Jesus pronounces harsher punishment for such people; secondly, Jesus stresses on the giving of corrections and forgiveness. He advises to correct the wronged with kindness and if the person realizes the mistakes and seeks pardon, Jesus tells us to forgive him/her.

Dear friends, the life of uprightness, truth, and simplicity of heart can be very well manifested in our relationship with one another. The vitues of simplicity, uprightness and truth can inspire us to lead others to the right path by correcting and forgiving them. The given virtues also impel us to avoid giving or posing scandals to our fellow brothers and sisters and thereby leading them to God.

The gospel speaks about taking the responsibility of our brothers and sisters who go off track by correcting them. This is one of the qualities of being a leader. Indeed, correcting others is not easy for it calls for uprightness, truth and simplicity of heart on our part. One also needs guts to do so. However, condoning the errors of others will also be equal to leading our fellow brothers and sisters astray from God. Jesus admonishes us to avoid such scandals from our lives. However, this calls for change in ourselves first and then change in others. 

May God help us to care for our fellow brothers and sisters by setting them good examples through our lives.

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