First Reading - Titus 2:1-8,11-14 

Gospel - Luke 17:7-10

We do set goals for many things that we do. The goal we set keeps us focused. Setting goals for the things we do are good. However, we should be mindful that our goals should not just reward-oriented. It's to say; our goal must help us become more responsible and dutiful to what we do. The readings of today invite us to embrace a responsible living for our life.

In the first reading, Paul presents a methodology for teaching. He exhorts the elders, both men and women, to become an example for the younger ones. Paul lays stress on teaching by life more than words. In other words, Paul encourages the elders to make their life exemplary for others so that no one could question their credibility in their teaching. Paul also promises a reward from Jesus on his return for those who stand firm in doing good by living an exemplary life.

The gospel passage reminds about being responsible to the work, not with the desire to be rewarded but with the understanding of realizing one's responsibility. The parable contrasts between reward and realization of responsibility. Usually, no worker is simply rewarded for the work they are expected to do. Through the parable, Jesus shows that despite the first work of the servant, he is entrusted with another one as well. Similarly, every disciple is invited to carry out the responsibility with the realization that this is what God expects from them. Therefore, every work that we perform should not be just reward-oriented but service-oriented. Every work is to be understood as something that is expected of us. That's why Jesus says: "When you have done all you have been told to do, say, “We are merely servants: we have done no more than our duty.”'

Dear friends, many times, when we do something we expect a reward or attention or appreciation. Jesus invites us today to accept every work that is entrusted to us as one's responsibility or something that is due to us. It's really important that we should instill in ourselves a sense of duty for the works we do. However, the gospel reminds us that it's not with the expectation of reward, we are to do things but realizing that as one's responsibility or duty.

The responsible or faithfulness of works that we undertake will be certainly exemplary for others as well. Paul invites to instruct with the self example rather than with empty words. In fact, our understanding or the sense of responsibility towards our works can set an example for many. It certainly can be called teaching with life example. Therefore, let's put our hearts and minds to everything that we do with the sense of responsibility.

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