First Reading - Isaiah 56:1-3,6-8 

Gospel - John 5:33-36

We are engaged in our preparation for the celebration of Christmas. The children are getting ready for holidays so also teachers and others. Many are getting their houses decorated. Well, they are external signs of our preparation. The readings of today invite us to focus on our spiritual preparation for the celebration of Christmas so that we can benefit the grace of it.

In the first reading, we come across the idea of universal nature of the call of God to humanity, irrespective of race, colour, status and stature. The idea of universal call is unique to the book of Isaiah as against the exclusive mentality of the ancient Judaism. The exclusive mentality signifies exclusion of those who were non-Jews. The passage highlights that God counts no inequality between a Jew or a non-Jew and even the eunachs (considered to be outcast), provided the non-Jews cling to Him in fidelity. The passage throws the light on the fact that God doesn't segregate anyone from His mercy, if they remain faithful to Him by observing what He commanded all to do. Therefore, the invitation of the passage to all is to remain faithful observers of God's commandments.

The gospel passage points to the two key ideas; firstly, John as a testimony to Jesus and; secondly, the works of Jesus reveal his identity. The testimony of John was geared to prepare the way for the Messiah. He was the precursor. However, some Jews mistook him for the Messiah. Jesus underlines that John was bearing witness to the truth and that truth is he himself. 

Adding to it, Jesus clarifies that the testimony of John was to assist people to recognize the true Messiah. All the same, that was not only way to do so because his own works that he does (healing, preaching, and teaching) bear witness to who he is. Therefore, Jesus invites the audience to open the spiritual eyes to see his works and recognize him as the sent one from the Father.

Dear friends, today is the last day of the first phase of the advent. From tomorrow onwards, we enter the second phase of the advent. The second phase reminds us that we are very close to the celebration of Christmas, hence, our spiritual preparation should be taken into consideration. The first reading reminds that we need to examine our faithfulness to God and God's commandments. It also adds that our faithfulness to Him and His commandments will help us to see God's salvation in the end of life. In the context of upcoming Christmas, our faithfulness to God and His commandments will fill us with the joy of Christmas because Jesus in his incarnation brings the gift of salvation for us and culminates it on the cross.

The gospel passage invites us to recognize the true Messiah in Jesus. Our sincere and faithful spiritual preparation for the great day of Christmas can help us recognize him. He was born in the manger but our spiritual preparation will beget him in our hearts, transforming us through and through, to be renewed in him as a new person.

Let's pray for the grace that we may recognize Jesus and be transformed by his presence.

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