First Reading - Isaiah 7:10-14

Gospel - Luke 1:26-38

There is a deep-seated yearning in every person to discover God in one's lives. How do we do so? The readings of today are given to us as reminders to humble ourselves to perceive God's presence in our lives because God is 'Immanuel' who walks with us and among us.

The first reading draws our attention to the prophecy of Isaiah to the king Ahaz.The prophecy in this first reading was given in 736 BC, when king Ahaz of Judah was about to be forced into an alliance, in a vain attempt to oppose the crushing military power of Babylon. Isaiah goes to him and warns him that the alliance would be fatal: he had better trust in the LORD. Isaiah promises a sign, which Ahaz refuses. He does not want to be convinced! What is this sign? The original Hebrew bible reads, ‘A girl is with child and will bear a son’, indicating that within a few months the threat will vanish and Jerusalem will be convinced that God is on their side – hence the boy will be called Emmanuel, in relieved gratitude. But the Greek translation of the Hebrew, made some 200 years before the birth of Jesus, translates ‘The virgin is with child’, which the evangelist Matthew sees as a prophecy of the birth of Jesus from the virgin Mary. The symbolic name Emmanuel then becomes a promise of the presence of God in the world at our side.

Today’s Gospel describes the story of the Annunciation, explaining how God began to keep the promise He had made to King David through the prophet Nathan, that David’s descendant would rule over the world as its Messiah. The Archangel Gabriel’s salutation to Mary: “Hail, full of grace,” reminds us of God’s words to Moses at the burning bush (Ex 3:12), and the angel’s salutation to Gideon, (Jgs 6:12). Mary is described as “full of grace”, filled with God’s favor and graciousness. She is to be the new Ark, a tent and temple. God will be in her, literally and physically, and thus she will be the greater House God promised to David. Mary’s question, “How can this be, since I am a virgin?” is natural. That is why Gabriel reminds Mary, ” For with God nothing will be impossible.” God will “empower” her (“the Spirit will come upon you“) and “protect” her (“overshadow you“). Luke’s narrative points out that the Child will not only be a distant grandson of David — He will be God’s own Son. “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give to Him the throne of His ancestor David.” Mary does not require confirmation but responds in Faith. She agrees to carry out the Word Gabriel has addressed to her.

Dear friends, we need to be humble instruments in the hand of God, trusting in His power and goodness. St. Augustine reminds us that God Who created us without our permission cannot save us without our active cooperation. Hence, let us cooperate in the fulfillment of God’s plan for us with Mary’s trusting Faith and humility. 

Like Mary who brought God to us in the person of Jesus, our Savior, it is our duty to carry Jesus everywhere and bring Jesus to the lives of others around us through love, mercy, forgiveness and service. “Let the soul of Mary be in each one of you to magnify the Lord. Let the spirit of Mary be in each one to exult in Christ.” (St. Ambrose).  

We should treasure these words of the Gospel and use them often, for example, practicing the Christian custom of saying the Angelus every day and reflecting on the five Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.

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