First Reading - Song of Songs - 2:8-14

Gospel - Luke - 1:39-45

There is a great joy to spend time in the company of our loved ones. It's so because of two reasons: love and sensitivity (sensitivity is also love in action). The readings of the day invite us to reflect upon the virtues of love and sensitivity.

The first reading expresses the intimacy of love felt in the lovers. The intimacy is so heightened that the lover goes to the house of the beloved to express that love and invites his beloved to join him by singing to her of the delight of springtime, season of flowers, of birds, and of love.

The gospel reading is the continuation of the annunciation scene. Mother Mary is seen in action. From the reading of the day, that is the visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth, we observe two things: firstly, Mary believed in the words of the angel Gabriel; secondly, Her faith in the words of the angel led her to charity or love in action that is also called sensitivity. Mary realised the need of her cousin and walked miles to a town of Judah.

Dear friends, as Christmas is approaching near, we are reminded of our lover, Jesus, who is coming to meet us in a very special way. How are we preparing ourselves? The readings remind us that Jesus is going to come and is very eager like the lover mentioned in the first reading inviting us to join him in His joy. We can be the part of His joy, if we are ready to receive him. As the book of Revelation puts it: "Behold, I stand at the door knocking, if you open the door, I will enter with you and dine".  

The readings provide us some guidelines for our preparations. They suggest that the virtue of love is to be ardent for our beloved, Jesus. This love must stir our longing to encounter Jesus, as we find in the first reading. This ardent desire to meet the beloved would never go vain.

The preparation of Christmas also involves to become more sensitive to one another that is another expression of love in action which is seen in Mary who, having realised the need of urgency, visited her cousin. We are also invited today to perceive the need of one another and this attitude will make the joy of Christmas enduring.

May God fill us with His Spirit to welcome Christ in our hearts and in our families.

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