First Reading - 1 John 2:12-17

Gospel - Luke 2:36-40

Life itself is a vocation. God calls everyone for a special task and there are various events of our lives that guide us to accomplish that purpose. The readings of the day help us to reflect upon our vocation that it is very special and it is to proclaim Christ to the people. At the same time, they also warn us against the hurdles of our lives on our way to realise our vocation.

The gospel recounts the episode about the prophetess Anna who devoted her life in fasting and prayer. She waited for the coming of the Messiah and God granted her heart's desire. She had a very special vocation that of praying, fasting and serving God. She also became a messenger of the good news after seeing the baby Jesus in the temple and she proclaimed about Christ to people who were expecting the Messiah.

The first reading warns us against the hurdles of our lives on our way to realise the God-given vocation. The hurdles, as St. John mentions in the first reading, are our evil desires; a desire of flesh, jealousy or desire of eyes and wealth or possession. They can blind us, distract us and make us worldly. The invitation, in the first reading, is to overcome such hurdles, so that we can remain in God forever. 

Dear friends, the readings invite us to reflect upon two kinds of vocations that we are partakers as Christians viz.; common vocation and specific vocation. We have a common vocation which we can learn from the prophetess Anna, that is to proclaim Christ to people. We also have a specific vocation that is given to us as individuals, that is to serve God, like the prophetess Anna who had a specific vocation to serve God and devote herself in prayer and fasting in view of the coming Messiah. We can be the part of the congregation or community or family but we also have a specific vocation whereby we can, in a particular way, serve God and contribute to the mission of God. There are so many who find their specific vocation in prayer, or helping others, teaching others, working for others etc. However, there lurks temptations on our way that of desire for name, fame, possession etc. and thus that results in distraction and our craze for temporary happiness. We need to remain glued to the purpose of our vocation then we can experience the joy of receiving and recognising the Messiah in eternity. May God enlighten our minds to remain faithful to our vocation.

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