First Reading - Ecclesiasticus 3:2-6,12-14 

Gospel - Matthew 2:13-15,19-23

Today, we find that many families are broken and many individuals are abandoned. They demonstrate the example of broken family life in the society. The Church celebrates today the feast of Holy Family of Nazareth; this family is an ideal family for us to be emulated. The readings invite us today to mould our families after the life of Holy Family of Nazareth.

The first presents an elaboration of the commandment: ‘'Honour your father and your mother." This passage explains how this commandment is to be enacted in the lives of every individual. This passage highlights that respect and honour shown to the parents are not fruitless rather it impacts our relationship with God and our progeny as well. This is to say, if we live as ideal children by obeying, respecting and honouring our parents till the end of their lives, this leads to our happy life as well, whereas if we live disdaining and disheartening our parents ultimately that would lead to our unhappy life as well.

The first reading sheds light on the role of Joseph who also stands for the role of a father and each individual in the family. The scene of the flight to Egypt as the gospel of Matthew recounts has many significant meanings; firstly, to show that Jesus is the legitimate Messiah of Israel according to the scriptures; secondly, to show, how the name Nazarene is attached to Jesus in order to show that Jesus is a decendent of David, for Nazareth derives from a Hebrew word nezer which means branch and signifies a king from David's line (Is. 11:1). 

However, the role of Joseph reminds us about our role in the family where we live; firstly, the attitude sensitivity to the promptings of the voice of God and; secondly, concern for the individuals in the family. Joseph was alert and prompt to lend his ears to the voice of God, that reveals his connectedness to God. Joseph was concerned about Mary and baby Jesus. He took a risk to protect them and reach them safely. He plays a perfect role of a father. 

Dear friends, we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family. The holy family of Nazareth is projected as an example for our families as well or our communities as well. The example of Joseph is set for us to be emulated. Firstly, the attitude of connectedness to God. The attitude of connectedness to God helps us discern what God wills and expects from each one of us. We always pray in the prayer of 'Our Father' - thy will be done. How would God's will be done? By our discernment. Therefore, it's vital that we remain connected to God to listen to Him, His will for us. Therefore, it's very important in a family to give due place to prayer whereby we commit our lives as family in the hands of God.

We also need to cultivate concern for one another. There are instances where we find that families are broken and communities are shattered because of the lack of concern for one another. Joseph exemplifies how he strived to do everything for the safety and protection of his family. We need to imbibe the virtue of sensitivity towards one another so that we are able emulate the holy family of Nazareth.

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