First Reading - Hebrews 2:14-18

Gospel - Mark 1:29-39

Children have a different world of imagination. At times, they live in a world superheroes. They aspire to be like them in everything. As they grow up, they come to encounter the real world with limitations and frailties. The readings of the day bring us very close our human realities of lives. 

The first reading recounts the human nature of Jesus. Jesus was not an angel but a human person like us in every way except sin. He became human to sanctify and liberate the humanity. He became one with us so that he can understand us through and through and raise us to his level. 

The humanness of Jesus is also projected in the gospel of the day. Jesus healed many people including the mother-in-law of Simon. He never forgot to pray to his father. The gospel outlines certain points from the mission of Jesus like he drew strength from his relationship with the father. He didn't diviate from the primary mission of his coming that is to preach the gospel.

Dear friends, the human nature of Jesus calls to our mind our human frailty. However, Jesus was aware of human limitations and human tendencies. He was aware of his mission entrusted to him by his Father, which was always recharged by his personal encounter in his prayer. Jesus, by becoming human like us, has been able understand us better and feel for us. He felt for the people and healed them from their physical and spiritual confines. He healed many in his earthly mission as human and contines to heal us as divine, provided we remain in touch with him in prayers. People experienced healing and sympathy by coming to him. We can win the sympathy of Jesus by drawing close to him. Let's not lose this chance of winning his sympathy for us and our families.

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