First Reading - Hebrews 3:7-14

Gospel - Mark 1:40-45

We are pilgrims here on earth. As pilgrims, what is expected of us? We are to be faithful and loyal to God. When we desire to remain faithful to God, even if we fall and fail, He strengthens us. The readings of the day gives us invitation to remain loyal to God empowered by faith.

The first reading presents the expectations of God from each believer. The quality fidelity is the expectation of God from us. The reading digs out the history of Israel when grace of fidelity vanished from them when they were in the wilderness. They witnessed to the mighty works of God but still failed to remain faithful to Him. The reading also invites the community to strengthen the people who have weak faith, lest they are lost in unfaithfulness. On the one side, the reading encourages the community to remain faithful to God, on the other side, it also invites the community to support and encourage one another, particularly those who are likely to fall and fail.

The gospel presents the account of the healing of a leper. The fascinating fact of this scene is the communication between Jesus and the leper. Faith of the leper in Jesus is evident and the prompt action of Jesus as a response to faith paints a compassionate figure of him. 

My dear friends, our life consists of mysteries and surprises. We witnesses to both the events at some point in our lives. The mysteries of our life calls to our mind that we have to trust somebody who is able to control everything. He is none other than God himself. As we journey in our lives, we are to place faith in God and this faith of ours will chisel out the quality of faithfulness from us towards God. We see in the Gospel, the response of the faith of the leper was healing, and that healing impels him to recount what he experienced. Our faith in God will certainly impell us to cling to Him in faithfulness. 

There will be time to fall and fail but our faith in God can impell us to say - if you wish, you can heal me and we can be sure that the response of Jesus will be positive and upbeat. 

There is also a responsibility that is given to all believers to encourage one another to remain faithful to God and never lose hope in Him. Thus, it's not only 'I' who will be alone able to remain faithful to God but also our brothers and sisters, who are with us.

May our Lord be the source of encouragement and faith.

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