First Reading - Hebrews 6:10-20

Gospel - Mark 2:23-28

We build our lives on trust. We trust in the providence of God; we trust people whom we entrust any work; we trust that we have a better tomorrow after going through tough times of our lives. Hence, our life revolves around trust and faith. We draw perseverance from this trust or faith. The readings of the day invite us to make our faith or trust unshakeable in God, who is the controller of everything and persevere in living our life trusting in Him.

The first reading zeros on in the absolute authority of God. The author of letter to Hebrews emphatically enunciates the authority of God and calls upon all Christians to persevere in their trust or faith in God. He unrolls the unchanging or unflinching promise made by God to Abraham. Consequently, Abraham trusted in the promise of God, for He made the promise by Himself. The same unflinching promise to make us heirs in Christ, the author says, is made to us and thus we must place our full confidence in God, come what may. 

The gospel of the day outlines two important conceptions of the Sabbath or the law. Firstly, the law is important but this must not load over or burden people but should be used to do good for the people. Secondly, the law of Sabbath has importance but the Son of Man overrides even the law of Sabbath. This is to say that Jesus has the authority to interpret and overrule the law. Perhaps, Jesus applies the meaning of 'Son of Man' in relation to the meaning of 'Son of Man' referred in the Book of Daniel. The book of Daniel presents a glorious figure of the 'Son of Man' who is given authority and power.

My dear friends, the life we undergo has never been the same. We encounter ups and downs, sadness and joy, discouragement and encouragement, rejection and sympathy etc. They teach us great lessons in our lives. However, when we are through our hardships we need confidence to go on in our lives. We can completely rely on the one who gives us hope of a better tomorrow that is our God in Christ. He has the authority to change and mould, shape and reshape our lives, if we rely on Him. People can break our faith or trust but God's promise is enduring and unflinching. God has promised us a life in Him, but we need to trust him and never lose hope in Him. May God strengthen us to remain always hopeful in His promise.

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