First Reading - Hebrews 7:1-17

Gospel - Mark 3:1-6

We observe the hours of prayer and other spiritual exercises but do we meet the purpose of doing those practices? It's probable that the spiritual practices we have are confined to one part of our daily lives like other activities we do everyday. The readings of the day invite us to dig out the purpose of our spiritual practices. The spiritual exercises we do must make us a person who clings to what is good and pleasing to God and tries to avoid every circumstance of evil. 

The first reading argues that the priesthood of Jesus is not based on the lineage but from the line of the priesthood of Melchizedek. Melchizedek was a king and a priest to who Abraham offered tithe. The basis of the argument entails that just as the origin and the end of Melchizedek is not known and is eternal, so also the priesthood of Jesus is eternal. He is the priest and a king of peace and righteousness. 

The gospel presents a contentious scene of the healing of a man with withered hand. Certainly, it was a Sabbath day and a day set for prayer and reflection. However, the original intention of the day of Sabbath was forgotten or tarnished. Jesus bares open the original plan of God about the Sabbath that is to give life; that is to do good. 

My dear friends, Jesus as our high priest reveals the heart of the Father to us as designed and planned by Him. He teaches us to make the hours of prayers and spiritual exercises, the hours of moulding and shaping to become good persons by doing good to one another. If we are not concerned about doing good and becoming good in the sight of God, all our efforts of our sacrifices for the spiritual journey will be mere a part of our activity with no effect in our lives. The law of Sabbath was meant to bring people closer to God and one another by sparing time in prayer and with the family members and other fellow men. Jesus re-emphasized that the law of Sabbath is connected to our relationship with God and that is strengthened by seeking good for one another.

May God mould our hearts to become good and do good to one another.

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