First Reading - Genesis 17:3-9

Gospel - John 8:51-59

We are all special and unique. Our uniqueness is all the more accentuated when God plays a special role in our lives. The readings of today remind us that God has chosen us as His own and we need to remain faithful to God.

In the first reading, God makes especial claim on Abraham and his descendants or offsprings. God's claim is evident on the change of the name from Abram to Abraham. The change of name signifies a new mission of Abraham in God's claim on him; to be the father of a multitude of nation. God seals a covenant on his part; to remain the God of Abraham and his descendants, promises a great progeny to Abraham, and assures of the land of Canaan to him and his descendants. The covenant on the part of God symbolises God's special claim on Abraham and his descendants. However, Abraham on his part is asked by God to remain faithful to Him and so is expected from his descendants.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus surprises and infuriates the Jews by the four blinding, lightning, and deafening thunder of his Divine claims. First, Jesus claimed that one who kept his words would not die because his words were God’s words. The Jews responded, arguing that even great men of Faith, like Abraham who kept God’s words, had died so also the prophets. Next Jesus claimed that he had unique knowledge of God because he came from God. The Jews believed that God had revealed everything about Himself through the Torah. Third, Jesus claimed a unique obedience to God, his Father, because he thought, spoke and acted as God wished. The Jews believed that their fathers and prophets had obeyed God perfectly. Fourth, Jesus claimed that he was not limited by time and, hence, that he was there even before Abraham and that Abraham had seen Jesus. The Jews believed that Abraham had been given a vision of the entire history of Israel including the vision of the Messiah. At this last claim, the Jews attempted to stone Jesus for blasphemy. But Jesus escaped.

Dear friends, the Sacrament of Baptism is a great gift of covenant we have received through which we are especially claimed by God as His sons and daughters. The first reading reminds us that Abraham was claimed by God as His own and was asked to keep the covenant which demanded that God only should be the God for him and no other. We are also reminded by the first reading that we are to remain faithful to God by not replacing Him with other gods (e.g. any person, material possessions, or any other form). The season of Lent is an occasion for us to evaluate our relationship with God. There are occasions when we replace God from our lives and make our priorities other things or people. This is our unfaithfulness to God. The season of Lent is the time to reorient ourselves.

Jesus teaches us today to keep his words like Abraham. 'Keeping of the words of Jesus' points to the fact that we have eternal life in the words of Jesus. It's by believing in the words of Jesus and living according to it we can be saved in Jesus. Therefore, we are invited by Jesus to imitate like Abraham in following God's word in our lives.

Let's pray that May we be able to remain faithful to our promise to God and be able to live our lives according to teachings of Jesus.

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