First Reading - Jeremiah 20:10-13 

Gospel - John 10:31-42

St. Alphonsa has said: "A day without suffering is a day lost." This refers to her daily hardships, she endured. This also refers to her endurance through all her sufferings which she could readily accept for the sake of Jesus. The readings of today invite us to accept the challenges and hardships of our lives with patience and trust in the Lord.

In the first reading, the prophet Jeremiah bewails the opposition and hatred, he experienced from his own friends. The opposition caused by the friends of Jeremiah arises due to his blatant prophecies against the destruction of Jerusalem. The prophecies of Jeremiah demanded a change of heart from the people which was disliked by them. Therefore, people plotted against him to kill him, hence they would be rid of destructive prophecies. The opposition seems so disheartening for Jeremiah, yet he doesn't swerve from believing in the Lord. Jeremiah radiates confidence in the Lord and strongly believes that God will never allow his foes to overpower him as he has been faithful to His works. The confidence or trust of the prophet, in the midst of so great opposition and hatred, manifests a sense of positivity and optimism that everyone should have when faced with challenges of lives.

The gospel passage continues with the melancholic feelings of rejection and opposition faced by Jesus like Jeremiah. The opposition arises on account of the claim of Jesus as the Son of God which was misconstrued by the Jews as human claiming to be god, hence a blasphemy. Jesus, on his part, clarifies that even if they resist to believe in his claim as the divine at least they should consider the works he has been doing which manifest his divine personhood. However, seeing their stubbornness to believe in him, Jesus eludes the Jews to the place where people could believe him.

Dear friends, sufferings, oppositions, and harships are halmark of our Christian life. In fact, it is our endurance through suffering for the sake of truth and kingdom of God makes us worthy children of God. This is to say, Christian life inheres challenges and hardships. The opposition of Jesus and Jeremiah reveals to us that truth suffers not because they are true but because they are hard to accept; and above all, they demand a change. In the case of Jeremiah, the prophecies demanded change of life from people and the claim of Jesus as the Son of God demanded from Jews a change of attitude towards him and in both the cases people failed to respond positively rather opposed them. Our life as Christians contradicts the values of the world and challenges the worldly values to change themselves. Therefore, it is for sure that the Christian life is in headlong opposition with the worldly standard.

The readings also teach us, how to respond to oppositions and hardships that we encounter in our lives. One the one side, Jesus teaches us that inasmuch as possible, we should try to clarify and dissuade those who oppose our works. However, when all efforts fail, we should elude such people. On the other side, Jeremiah teaches us that we should never lose confidence and faith in God. When we tread the path of God, many will become our foes but our faith in God will sustain us all through. Above all, God will never allow us to be overcome by our enemies, if we work for Him.

Let's pray that we may always have endurance when faced with challenges of lives and may never lose our faith in God.

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