First Reading - Ecclesiasticus 35:2-15 ·

Gospel - Mark 10:28-31

2 Cor. 9:7 says: "The Lord loves a cheerful giver." This verse invites us to look at our discipleship from the perspective of generous sacrifice that every follower makes in following Jesus. The readings of today invite us to a life of a generous sacrifice which is always rewarded in the Lord.

The first reading reminds us two important aspects that we should consider in our life of generosity. Firstly, the expression of generosity should be accompanied by a genuine expression of joy. The passage reminds that when a person approaches God with the offerings he or she must express it with a smile rather than a grunt or a grum face. The passage underlines that this expression of joyful generous offering will be rewarded seven times over.

Secondly, the expression of generosity must be an expression of righteous life which is pleasing to God. The passage further highlights what it implies by righteous life. According to the passage, a righteous life entails keeping of the commandments, restraining from wickedness and injustice, rendering gratitude to God for all gifts and giving alms to the needs. 

The gospel passage continues with the theme of generosity in terms of generous sacrifice. Peter representing the groups reminds Jesus about the generous sacrifice they have made by following him. Now what lies for them in the future? Jesus gives a detailed list of the sacrifices that a follower makes that Peter skipped while asking it. Jesus reminds that what they call as generous sacrifice, infact becomes a gateway to greater rewards. Jesus seems to recount to the disciples that they give up one family but God makes a follower the member of hundred families and so on. This is to say that one sign of generous sacrifice is payed back by the Lord in hundredfold with the assurance of eternal life. However, Jesus doesn't rule out the incessant threat and dangers of persecution to dissuade a follower. 

Dear friends, we are reminded by the readings that our generous life of sacrifice or offering is never a waste but is always rewarded by the Lord. However, we need to keep in our mind that our generous life should not be an expression of sadness or formality (to say, since I have to it I do it rather than realizing that I do it because I love to do it or because it means to me). Our generous sacrifice is always valued by God. Both the readings remind us this aspect that God values our generous sacrifice that we make in any form and infact we rewards us for that. As followers of Jesus, we are invited to be generous givers.

However, we know this very well that no pain no gain. The first reading also invites us to a generous life that entails our whole life of righteous living. It's important that our generous life must be reflected in our relationship with God and one another. It's certainly a challenge for us to live a righteous life daily keeping the commandments of God, honouring God with gratefulness and reaching out to the needy. Let's remind ourselves that generosity is not one time action or expression but also a virtuous action.

Jesus also reminds us, his followers, that we follow him but it requires a perseverance to face the challenges or oppositions in following him. They (challenges and oppositions or persecutions) are accompanied through the life of a disciple but is not all. There is a hope and assurance of a joyful life in him.

May God assist us all.

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