💖 HOMILY - MAY 31 💖


First Reading - Romans 12:9-16

Gospel - Luke 1:39-56

We have heard say: "Friend in need is friend indeed." This saying perfectly fits with what our readings teach us today. The readings of today invite us to become friends of every person by living the commandment of love.

In the first reading, Paul gives exhortation to Christians in Rome to grow in love for one another. Paul further elaborates that love for one another should be seen in the preference of good and respect for one another. He also cites that the real test of love for one another is proven in the moments of trials, ordeals, and hardships of the other; hence, Christians should show their love for one another by sharing with the needy, welcoming them, being part of the joys and sorrows of one another, and never mistreating and disrespecting anyone. Paul, in the first reading, gives very practical admonitions to practice the commandment of love.

The gospel passage in fact demonstrates an outstanding example of love for our fellow beings as Paul suggests. In the gospel passage, mother Mary is seen in action. From the passage of the visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth, we observe two things: firstly, Mary believed in the words of angel Gabriel; secondly, Her faith in the words of the angel led her to charity or love in action; Mary realised the need of her cousin and walked miles to a town of Judah. 

It's important that mother Mary believed first in the message of the angel Gabriel and the proof of her belief is manifested in her action that surfaces in her going to her cousin Elizabeth; a realization of the need of the elderly Elizabeth. This is the manifestation of love and sensitivity for the other. This also can be called real love for our neighbour.

Dear friends, the commandment of love is not mere an injunction or a concept; It's an action motivated by love for the good of the other. The gospel passage is an example of true love for the needy. Paul, in the first reading, ushers the Christians to imbibe this love where there no pretence or falsehood but sincerity and concern for one another. We need to build up a genuine love for one another that should be seen in our actions rather than words alone. The manifestation of love is first seen in genuineness of relationship and this is further shown in being genuinely involved in the joys and sorrows of one another, and being a help in the times of ordeals and hardships. 

We often show an insincere relationship with one another and fail to observe the commandment of love for our fellow brothers and sisters. The insincerity is seen in our jealousy and unwelcoming attitude for one another. It's seen in our attitude of indifference and utiliterianism. Let's overcome today our insincere relationship with one another and cultivate genuine and sincere love for one another.

Let's pray that God may help us become more loving and genuine in our relationship with one another.

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