💖 HOMILY - MAY 4 💖

First Reading - Acts 13:13-25

Gospel - John 13:16-20

As imitators of Jesus, we have the scriptures as the guiding support. The scriptures highlight, what God expects from us as the disciples of Jesus. The readings of today draw our attention to the life God invites us to live in Jesus.

The first reading, Paul preaches encouraging sermon to the Jews. The message of Paul contains polemic overtone. Paul lays stress on the fact of Jesus' being the Messiah in accordance with the scriptures. Paul traces the messiah-ship of Jesus to the promise made by God through the history of the chosen people. Therefore, the explanation of the brief history by Paul invites people to recognise the fulfillment of God's promise in Jesus which even John the Baptist hinted at.

Today’s Gospel is the second part of the explanation Jesus gave to his disciples after washing their feet before the Last Supper. Today's gospel passage can be summed up in three parts; In the first part of today’s Gospel, Jesus emphasizes the fact that the hallmark of his disciples must be their readiness and generosity in offering humble and sacrificial service to others, because that was the model Jesus had given them by his life and especially by washing their feet. It is by serving others that we become great before God. In the second part of today’s Gospel, Jesus shows his apostles how to treat people who are unfaithful and disloyal. Jesus hints at the betrayal of Judas by quoting Psalm 4:9: “He who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me.” Instead of distancing himself from Judas, Jesus offers him reconciliation, showing him more affection by washing his feet and by giving him a morsel of bread dipped in sauce with his own hand. In the third part, Jesus gives the basis for apostolic succession, stating that one who receives his apostles and messengers receives him, thereby receiving God the Father who sent Jesus.

Dear friends, the scriptural passages of everyday are meant to encourage us to grow strong in our faith and recognise the fulfillment of God's promises in Jesus. Paul did the same for his fellow Jews. The Church continues to do so everyday by reminding us the teachings and works of Jesus. The gospel of today lays down some fundamental principles for our Christian life to encourage us to follow Jesus by the life of humble service and humility, by the life of reconciliation or forgiveness, and by the life resembling Christ. The life of humble service and humility simulate the humble service of Jesus who stooped to serve his disciples by washing their feet to teach them the lesson of humility and humble service to one another overcoming human pride. The life of reconciliation paves the way to the life of forgiveness and mercy showing to all even those who are disloyal to us as Jesus himself showed it by showing great love to Judas, his traitor. The life of resemblance of Jesus demonstrates that we resemble Christ insofar as we are ready to preach the message of Jesus through our lives and words. Every follower resembles Christ in carrying out the works of Jesus.

Let's pray that we may be able to live and act according to will of God in our lives.

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