First Reading - Tobit 11:5-17 

Gospel - Mark 12:35-37

Rick Warren has beautifully said:

"Happy moments, PRAISE GOD

Difficult moments, SEEK GOD

Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD

Painful moments, TRUST GOD

Every moment, THANK GOD"

We are invited by the readings of the day to acknowledge God by thanking Him who is involved in our lives. 

The first reading narrates the happy moments of Tobit after his great sorrow and distress. The passage itself resonates with a happy account of the event of recovery in two ways which become the reason for joy for Tobit and his family: Firstly, the recovery of Tobias after many days of waiting and; secondly, the recovery of the sight of Tobit with the fish's gall. Finally, Joy of Tobit explodes into praises of God and fraternal celebration. The whole account of joy drives a message of being grateful to God for His blessings and signs in our lives. The expression of joy in the passage can be noticed that it's expressed in thanking the Lord and celebrating it with one another. 

In the gospel passage, Jesus brings out a very popular title attached to the Messiah; The son of David. In fact, this particular title apprears in the gospels too. However, did Jesus want to disassociate himself with this title? Well, there was a prevalent belief that was attached to the title 'son of David' which was political and revolutionary. David himself was a king and the Messiah was expected to re-establish the kingship of David in political sense. Thus, Jesus clarifies that the belief attached to the title is not true. Jesus quotes the psalm 110 to affirm that he is not a political Messiah but he is more than that. He is the Lord as acknowledged by David himself. Thus, Jesus tries to change the perspective of the people to accept him as the Messiah who stands for the spiritual cause primarily. That's to establish a kingdom that is not earthly. 

Dear friends, we celebrate our joyful moments in different ways. However, we are reminded today to acknowledge our happiness before the Lord in gratefulness. Tobit and his family becomes an example for us for giving due acknowledgment to God because he causes happiness in our lives. The other expression of our happiness is to celebrate with others, with one another. Our sharing of joy doubles our joy. Sharing our joy with others also means bringing joy to others. 

The gospel passage invites us today to accept Jesus as the Lord who is involved in our lives. He is not only involved in spiritual life but also in other affairs as well. He is involved in our sorrowful moments and he is also involved in our joyful moments. We need him always. 

Let's pray that we may always cherish the presence of the Lord in our lives.

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