First Reading - Tobit 6:10-11,7:1,9-14,8:4-9

Gospel - Mark 12:28-34

St. Teresa of Kolkata has rightly said : "Love until it hurts. Because real love is always painful and it hurts: then it is real and pure." The readings invite us to materialize the commandment of love even at the point when it hurts and pains.

In the first reading, we have an example of Tobias who risks his life to observe the law and alleviate the affliction of the Sarah and her family as a sign of love. We see the Tobias in keeping with the Law of Moses marries Sarah who was the closest of the kin. However, the father of Sarah tries to dissuade him from doing it because of the past experiences of the death of the bridegrooms on the first night itself. However, Tobias insists to take Sara as his wife in keeping with the Law. This is a beautiful example of the observance of the commandment even when the situation is not favourable but compromisable. This observance of the Law was in keeping with law of love where Tobias comes in front to alleviate the afflictions of the family and Sarah at large.

The gospel passage presents the episode of the dialogue between Jesus and the scribe. The query of scribe from Jesus to select the most important law, finds a very crystal and clear response from Jesus that the greatest of all commandments is rested on love; love of God and love of our neighbors. Certainly, we notice that the scribe approches Jesus with the intention to have a discussion with him. (A scribe was to be a knowledgeable person with his expertise of the Scriptures.) The question put to Jesus was indeed tricky because added to the 10 commandments Jews had 613 laws and to single out only one or two could have been indeed difficult. Jesus distills the most essential and important of all commandments: the commandment of love. In fact, Jesus summarizes that human effort should be to love God with one's whole being or above everything and to love one another as oneself. Finally, the scribe acknowledges true teachings of Jesus.

Dear friends, as a summary we can say that our efforts in our whole life should be to love God above everything and to love everyone as we love ourselves. The first reading invites us to the observance of the Law that is able to express our love for one another alleviating the pain and sufferings of others. It's easy to express love verbally but to express it in action is difficult. Tobias sets an example of observing the Law when it was really difficult and challenging by expressing his love for the afflicted.

To love God and to love our neighbors or fellow beings is certainly challenging. It calls for real sacrifice from our side: a sacrifice of egoism, a sacrifice of envy, a sacrifice of hatred, a sacrifice of pride, a sacrifice of individualism, a sacrifice of consumerism, a sacrifice of any violence, a sacrifice of utilitarianism etc. It also demands a change in us by becoming loving, kind, gentle, simple, approachable, humble, faithful, devout etc. To live the life of love is a real U-turn in our lives. It's a real need of the time as well. Let's remind ourselves that our purpose of life must be directed in loving God and loving one another.

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