First Reading - Exodus 33:7-11;34:5-9,28

Gospel - Matthew 13:36-43

We are familiar with the two natures of God viz. compassion and justice. The compassionate nature of God waits for our return to Him till the last moment of our lives but the justice of God awards everyone according to our conduct or doing. The readings of the day bring to the fore both the natures of God and invite us to return to Him, beseeching His mercy lest His justice may flare up to judge us which we can't stand.

The first reading recounts a very amiable relationship of Moses with God. Realising the mistakes of idolatry of the people, Moses turns to the seat of mercy of God so that His mercy may spare His people. Moses reels out the merciful nature of God to win God's favour for the people who had broken the covenant with their God.The merciful God shows His compassion to the people and once again the tablets inscribed with the commandments, once were broken, are inscribed with the ten commandments and given to Moses.

The gospel presents the meaning of the parable of the wheat and darnel. This parable brings out the merciful nature of God in contrast to His justice. The mercy of God finds a tangible expression in allowing the darnel to grow with the wheat till the end. The tolerance of the evil does not mean that God is indifferent to the evil but it simply means God waits for the evil people for their return even till their end. And those who remain stubborn and deliberately choose to remain in evil will have to face the justice of God where they will be thrown to the eternal furnace that is hell.

Dear friends, there is no doubt about the mercy of God which certainly abounds in Him. It's through this mercy we have a hope to win God's favour at the end of life. Just as we read in the first reading, God forgave the offences of People when they realized their mistake, so also Jesus, in the explanation of the parable, throws light on the mercy of God, hence, we can be sure of God's mercy. However, there is another side of the coin that brings us to face the justice of God, if we remain in sin and evil. We are weak and frail, thus cannot face the justice of God. Therefore, let's not be sorry or not delay to approach the seat of mercy of God.

May God's mercy be always upon us.

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