💖 HOMILY - JULY 31 💖

First Reading - Exodus 32:15-24, 30-34

Gospel - Matthew 13:31-35

We at times neglect small dark spots or weakness of our characters, without realising that can become one of the biggest reasons for our fall in our lives. The readings of the day draw our attention to check our small mistakes that are potential to become the biggest mistakes of our lives. However, the readings also invigorate us that there lies a ray of hope after tragic situation of our lives.

The first reading gives an account of the failure of the people of Israel who once so fervently professed that they wouldn't fall into the trap of idolatry but flunked their promise and worshipped the wooden craft. This account also vividly narrates the failure of the leadership of Aaron who was to guide the people in the absence. When, in the impatient absence of Moses, people wanted to see their God, Aaron, out of fear and to please them, crafted a golden calf. This was a small mistake of Aaron but turned into a big mistake because people fell into idolatry. This act of Aaron as vehemently condemned by Moses.

The gospel instills a great hope in us even in the face of uncertainty and desperate situation for God is able to make that good. The gospel brings us close to the historical situation of the early Christians who were dismayed and sad due to the fierce persecution. They saw only horror of persecution and blood due to their faith. However, in this situation, the gospel gave them hope that though the Church seemed insignificant in the face of such persecution and the blood of Christ seemed to have brought nothing but the Church would emerge victorious. Just as the mastered seed apparently is small but can become into a big shrub and a small amount of yeast turns the whole dough leavened, so would the Church emerge from the disheartening situation.

Dear friends, the readings give us practical outlook towards life. We are weak and frail and as the common saying goes: "to err is human..." We neglect our small mistakes but the first reading in particular invites us to check even our small errors because they may result in devastating tomorrow. The gospel gives us assurance that however bad and pathetic may be our situation but we can confidently turn to God, He can make that good. God is always in command. Though, at that given time, God seems to be absent but perseverance in faith can; on the one hand, strengthens us to persevere the desperate situations and on the other hand, gives us confidence to hope for a better tomorrow. Let's not be disheartened by sorrows of lives but always be hopeful that something good will come about in due time.

May God help us grow in faith.

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