💖 HOMILY - JULY 27 💖

First Reading - Exodus 19:1-2,9-11,16-20

Gospel - Matthew 13:10-17

Many of us have a desire to see God or know and comprehend God's ways for ourselves. This is really a good wish. However, when it comes to prepare or renounce something in order to achieve our wish, we shirk from doing that. The readings of the day remind us that God is among us and is revealing Himself to us, but we need to prepare ourselves to perceive God's revelation in our lives.

The first reading presents the account of theophany before the people of Israel. The revelation of God as narrated by the first reading is demonstrated by the natural phenomena of thunder, lightening and thick smoke of clouds over the mount Sinai. God manifests Himself to people and guarantees the leadership of Moses as His envoy. The passage hints at the fact that the natural phenomena reflects the power and majesty of God. People of Israel prepare themselves to see the majestic appearance of God and finally see it with their eyes.

In the gospel passage, Jesus clarifies that the Mysteries of the kingdom of heaven is not revealed to all in the same way. It may sound really strange; Why did Jesus keep the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven hidden from many? Who are they? They were those who listened to him but didn't follow him. Those who followed him closely, he revealed to them everything. Thus, the passage poses a challenge to us to follow Jesus closely lest we remain blind and keep the mystery of the kingdom unnoticed.

Dear friends, what are the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven for us? Pope Benedict XVI wrote in his book "Jesus of Nazareth" that the kingdom of God is a person. Thus, it's the person and his teachings that lead us to our heavenly kingdom. We need to recognize the person who is present among us and with us. The first reading teaches us that in order to encounter the magnificent presence of God, we need to prepare ourselves. It's certainly our spiritual preparation that helps us recognize the person of Jesus in our lives. When we recognize the person of Jesus in our lives, we should be determined to follow him. When we follow him, he continues to guide and reveal himself on our journey to the heavenly kingdom.

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