💖 HOMILY - JULY 28 💖

First Reading - Exodus 20:1-17

Gospel - Matthew 13:18-23

We, by our baptism, have become the children of God. We are included into God's family. This is a gift from God, in this case, what should be our responsibility to prove ourselves so? The readings of today guide us how to remain true and faithful children of God.

The first reading presents the account of the injunctions or commandments of God. The ten commandments of God are so structured that they instruct us how we can remain faithful children of God. The ten commandments are geared to the love, obedience, honour that should be duly rendered to God. The first three commandments invite us to give God due place in our lives. The second part of the ten commandments are geared to our fellow men who should be given honour, are to be cared and their rights are to be recognised and upheld. As a whole, the ten commandments are designed to evoke our sound relationship with God and one another and that will keep us close to God and one another. This relationship of harmony will make us faithful children of God.

The gospel draws our attention to the explanation of the parable of the sower. Jesus explains the meaning and significance of the parable. However, we can note certain underlying points that to be kepy in mind when we keep or observe the Word of God or His commandments. Firstly, we should be careful of the importance of the commandments, or else it will be like those seeds fell along the path which were eaten by the birds. Our watchfulness is required when we hear God's commandment or His Word. Secondly, we should avoid laxity or dillydally in keeping the Word of God or His commandments, or else, it will be like the seeds fell on the patches of the rock that grew but withered at once. Thirdly, we should be firm in receiving or keeping the Word of God or His commandments, or else it will be like the seeds fell among thorns that were choked by the thorns. Fourthly, our attitude towards the commandments of God should be like the person who is willing and ready to keep God's commandments at any cost come what may is like the seeds sown in the good soil. 

Dear friends, we are chosen and accepted by God as His children. We need to live in accordance of our call as God's children by keeping His Word and His commandments. As the first reading accentuates two important aspects, while we observe God's commandments that is to keep harmonious relationship with God and fellow men, must be given at most care. However, the gospel warns us against certain loopholes that can obstruct us in doing so. Hence, we are to be watchful, determined or firm, receptive and observant towards the Commandments of God or His Word and avoid every laxity. Thus, we will be able to faithfully observe God's commandments and prove ourselves true children of God.

May God help us remain faithful to His commandments.

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