First Reading - Genesis 19:15-29

Gospel - Matthew 8:23-27

Many people desire to have all the things of the world but God. The desires of the things can give pleasure and fleeting happiness but no lasting joy. The readings of today invite us to take God in our lives through our strong faith so that we may have lasting joy and peace.

The first reading narrates the famous episode of the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. We see that the entire city is destroyed except Lot and his family because the Lord had pity on him. It's because Lot and his family were not yet drawn into the corrupt and scandalous life of the city. Therefore, the Lord spared Lot and his family whereas the entire city was completely destroyed. The righteous nature of Lot is seen in his hospitality given to the angels. He welcomed them in his house.

When we move on to the gospel of the day, we find powerful sign of calming the storms in the sea. By describing the miracle, Matthew also assures his first-century believers that nothing can harm the Church as long as the risen Lord is with them. The incident reminds us today to keep Jesus in our life’s boat and to seek his help in the storms of life.

The Sea of Galilee is a lake thirteen miles long from north to south and eight miles broad from east to west at its widest. It is notorious for its sudden storms. When a cold wind blows from the west, the valleys, gullies and hills act like gigantic funnels compressing the storms and letting them rush down to the lake to create violent waves. Unable to control their fears, the disciples wake Jesus up, accusing him of disregarding their safety. Jesus’ response is immediate. At once he rises and rebukes the winds and the sea, and instantly there is total calm. Only then does Jesus gently chide his terrified and now astonished disciples for the smallness of their Faith.

Dear friends, we need to welcome Jesus into the boat of our life to calm the storms we face. All of us are making a journey across the sea of time to the shore of eternity, and it is natural that we all will experience different types of violent storms occasionally in our lives: physical storms, emotional storms, and spiritual storms. We face storms of sorrow, doubts, anxiety, worries, temptations, and passion. Only Jesus can give us real peace in the storm of sorrow or console us for the loss of our dear ones. When the storms of doubt seek to uproot the very foundations of the Faith, Jesus is there to still that storm, revealing to us his Divinity and the authority behind the words of Holy Scripture. He gives us peace in the storms of anxiety and worries about ourselves, about the unknown future, and about those we love. Jesus also calms the storms of passion in people who have hot hearts and blazing tempers.

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