First Reading - Genesis 21:5,8-20 

Gospel - Matthew 8:28-34

Daily Spiritual Journey

Mother Teresa says : "The greatest disease ... is not TB or leprosy; it is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for." Indeed, the disease of being uncared is rife, particularly when we are facing a great battle against the current pandemic. In this situation, the readings of the day fill our hearts with comfort and confidence, for our God has not abandoned us and He cares for everyone of us.

The first reading mentions the result of jealousy of Sarah towards her maid Hagar and her son Ishmael. Hagar, with her son Ishmael, are thrown out of the house. Such a bad strait breaks Hagar but God comes to her rescue and promises her that her son will be into a great nation. 

In the gospel, we come across a great miracle performed by Jesus in the gentile territory (Gadarenes). Jesus heals the two demoniacs who were powerful and fierce. They recognised Jesus as the Son of God and the judge of all. They at first requested Jesus not to torment them before time. This occurs here because there was a prevalent belief of Jews that evil spirits will be judged at the last judgement. The visit of Jesus to the gentile land and his action to liberate two men possessed by demons shows that Jesus cared for even the gentiles to bring them to his fold but unfortunately they resisted.

My dear friends, God cares for everyone, even though useless in the eyes of others and abandoned by the society. Hagar and her son were unwanted and abandoned but God cared for them by sending his angel. Gentiles or Non-Jews were believed by Jews to be damned, but Jesus approached them with the message of salvation. In our time, God uses us to be His instruments in sharing His love and care. Mother Teresa understood that God has called her to be His instrument in sharing His love with the neglected, rejected, abandoned, orphaned etc. We are also called to become God's instruments in sharing His love with the neglected, rejected, dejected, abandoned, and useless etc. by our time, resources and kind gesture of words and actions.

May God help us to become His instruments of love and care for those who are unwanted and uncared.

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