First Reading - 1 Kings 3:5,7-12 

Second Reading - Romans 8:28-30 

Gospel - Matthew 13:44-52

Matthew 6:21 says, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Where is our treasure? Maybe at the bank. But this is not the treasure the readings tell us about today. The true treasure, as Christians, is not a thing but a person: the person of Jesus. The readings of the day invite us to make the person of Jesus our treasure.
In the Gospel, Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to hidden treasure and precious pearls. The common feature of both parables is that whoever finds a treasure or a pearl sells everything to possess what he has found. It means that the hidden treasure and precious pearls become more valuable to the person than anything else he had. It is a choice they make: the choice goes to what is worth more.
The first reading focuses on Solomon's choice for wisdom because he realized that wisdom is more precious than any earthly thing. That is why even God appreciates his choice.
The second reading reminds us that God wants to save us. He guides us and directs us towards the path of our salvation, the important thing is that we love him, so that we are before him like an open door. In other words, we are called to make God's choice in our lives.
Dear friends, we have all classified our priorities: for some it is work, for others wealth, for others fun. Finally, for some, the person of Jesus is the priority of their life. We have made our choices according to what we consider to be the best priority. However, whenever we prioritize something other than the person of Jesus, a void is created in us, as Saint Augustine says: "Our hearts are made for God." It means that God completes us. The gospel also reminds us that whoever understands this fact privileges the true treasure which is not a thing but a person; Jesus.
The gospel also reminds us that at the end of our lives, we must face God's judgment we will give an account of our lives. Jesus speaks of good fish and bad fish. Which ones are they? Those who choose the real treasure are classified as good fish and those who do not recognize the real treasure are classified as bad fish. We ask Jesus to help us choose his person as our treasure so that he becomes our priority in life.

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