First Reading - Deuteronomy 4:32-40 

Gospel - Matthew 16:24-28

The word 'Obedience' is often misconceived. In reality, obedience is a value that is no way akin to slavery. It is a value that drives a person to move from self-centeredness to other-centeredness. The readings encourage us to give obedience to God by following Jesus and His teachings.

In the first reading, Moses reminds the people about the presence of God among the people. He reminds them further that God is not like pagan gods but He accompanies them and manifests them His own glory. God is all-powerful and majestic, He comes down to the aid of His chosen people. Therefore, Moses exhorts the people to follow His commandments closely because obedience to the commandments shows their love for Him.

The gospel passage furthermore elaborates what kind of obedience to the commandments God expects from us. In a broad sense, Jesus is the encapsulated commandments of God. Therefore, to follow Jesus is to follow the commandments of God as well. Jesus invites his followers but his invitation contains three conditions which also demonstrates the kind pf obedience God expects from us, such as: renunciation, embracing the cross and follow him. Firstly, 'renunciation' - It is the renunciation of oneself which means to be able to give priority to Jesus and his cause above oneself. Secondly, 'embracing the cross' which means to be able to accept and face the difficulties, persecutions, challenges and hardships for the sake of Jesus. Thirdly, 'Follow him' which also means the primary goal of every disciple is to follow him alone above one's own wishes and desires. This is the way, Jesus invites us to invest our call as disciples.

Dear friends, our primary purpose as Christians is to follow Jesus. Jesus himself embodies what God expects from us. Jesus is the guiding principle for our lives just as the commandments Moses gave to people were the guiding principles. However, Jesus emphasizes that to follow him requires only one focus and only one priority above all. This is indeed a tough choice but this choice ultimately leads to a life in God. 

It may also appear that a follower is restricted and controlled through this submissive life but the fact is a disciple learns through this way to give way to self-centered life that cancels out God and others. Whereas, a life of a follower of Jesus opens him or her to obey and follow Jesus by loving God, others and oneself.

Let's pray that we may become true disciples of Jesus by loving God, others and oneself.

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