First Reading - Deuteronomy 6:4-13

Gospel - Matthew 17:14-20

We have been reflecting upon the virtue of faith since a week. Jesus has been teaching and demanding faith from his disciples and us at large. However, so far the virtue of faith seemed apart from action. The readings of the day deepen our understanding of faith which is shown in loving action.

The gospel of the day shows the inability of the apostles to cure the epileptic. Prior to this incident, Jesus had empowered them and sent them to preach and heal. That was a wonderful experience and was a success but this time they failed. What was the reason? Lack of faith and perhaps they relied on their power to heal. Jesus made this clear that they failed to cure the boy due to the lack of faith in the power of God. 

The first reading presents the commandment of love that to be observed. The commandment of loving God must not be partial or half-hearted but with totally of being. God wants 100% of our love. "Listen, Israel: the Lord our God is the one Lord. You shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength." - this prayer is called Shema prayer which was recited by a Jew thrice in a day. This was a perpetual reminder for them to allow God's love to rule one's life. This also was a norm that to be taught and transmitted from generation to generation. This prayer, in fact, was the part and parcel of the life of a Jew. 

The meaning of love that is demanded here is not confined to the level of emotion or intelligence but action. It's because of that the demand is made to love God with all heart, soul and strength, which includes the totality of a person. This we can simply say "love in action and in totality."

Dear friends, the virtue of faith finds its completion in the virtue of love which is reflected in action. "Faith without love is dead" as the letter to Galatians 5:6 says. It's because of this the virtue of faith becomes evident in the virtue of love. The disciples, in the gospel, failed to cure the boy due to their lack of faith, could also mean their lack of love for God. It's because faith paves the way to love God and when God is loved, a great miracle can happen. We exhibit our virtue of faith with our loving nature of life. The readings challenge us to translate the life of faith to the life of love; love that is 100% dedicated to God and expressed in loving our brothers and sisters.

May God help us live the virtue of faith translated in the love of God and our brothers and sisters.

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