First Reading - 1 Kings 19:9,11-13

Second Reading - Romans 9:1-5 

Gospel - Matthew 14:22-33

It is a fact that life is a mixture of joy and pain. We face daily difficulties and challenges in our own way. Sometimes difficulties break us completely, other times they strengthen us. The readings we have heard for the day remind us that in our struggles with our problems and challenges, we are never left alone, but God accompanies us. We must keep our eyes fixed on God.

The first reading tells the story of the encounter between God and Elijah. In those days, the Prophet Elijah was fleeing the threat of Jezebel's persecution. The passage tells that God comes to comfort Elijah in his difficult moments.

The Gospel narrates another episode in which Jesus comes to the aid of his disciples. The disciples were in the middle of the lake and their boat was caught in the heavy storm. They were in a very difficult situation. Jesus walks on the waters and goes to them. He says: Courage! It's me.
The second reading shows Paul's great love for his Jewish brothers. He admits that he can do anything to help his brothers and sisters. This passage shows Paul's caring nature and his sensitivity for his fellow Jews.

Dear friends, there is no doubt that all of us have been going through difficult times in our lives or rather some are still going through difficult times in their lives. The readings assure us that God comes to our aid in difficult times. However, the way God helps us may not be what we expect. Elijah awaited the coming of God in the mighty wind, violent earthquake, and the fire but God was not in them, rather He was in a light breeze. Our expectations are different from God's plan. The light breeze reminds us of Jesus' words: Courage! It's me. Certainly, in our difficult times, we must remain calm and trust in God. This trust comes from prayer because prayer keeps our eyes fixed on Jesus. We find in the gospel Peter walked on the water but when he looked away from Jesus and began to look the storm, began to sink. Our prayer life keeps our gaze fixed on God. Distractions from our gaze on God come when we become careless with our prayer life. We learn to always keep our gaze fixed on Jesus through our daily prayer life: personal and community prayer.

The second reading reminds us today to reciprocate God's help with one another. St. Paul expresses his willingness to help his Jewish brothers in any way. We must also help each other, especially those in need and in pain. In this way we can also reciprocate God's goodness to one another.
We spread the goodness of the Lord through our lives.

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