First Reading - 1 Timothy 1:1-2,12-14 

Gospel - Luke 2:33-35

Life entails many mysterious events of our lives. There are some which are unraveled to us and others remain incomprehensible. However, the mysteries of our lives can become instrumental to draw us closer to God, for they remind us of our finiteness. It's through God's grace we are able to discern the mysteries of our lives and know His will in everything. As Christians, we have our mystery of faith. The readings of today are designed to help us understand the mystery of our Catholic faith in Jesus.

The first reading beautifully mentions about the mercy of God experienced by Paul. Paul cites his experience of God's mercy which brought him conversion. He compares his life before his conversion which was of arrogance and bloody passion. He admits that he acted so in sheer ignorance but after being delved into the mercy of God, he was given grace to be filled with faith and love for Christ. He fearlessly acknowledges that he has become the apostle of Christ because of the grace of mercy of God to recognize Christ. The conversion of Paul certainly demonstrates a mysterious encounter of the mercy of God.

The gospel passage brings to us a great mystery in the life of the blessed mother Mary in the prophecy of Simeon. As the opening verse of the passage says: "As the child's father and mother stood there wondering at the things that were being said about him." This particular verse reveals the encounter of the mystery experienced by Joseph and Mary. Simeon makes it clear that the child is going to be a sign of glory for many, Jews and gentiles alike. However, adding to it, he also mentions that the sign of his glory will be manifested in the contradictions or opposition by the people which refers to Jesus' paschal mystery. To cap it all, the prophecy reaches a sad note of the sorrows of Mary because of the sufferings of her son. The whole scene appears to be a mystery for Mary and Joseph which gradually becomes clear in the fullness of time for mother Mary. The interesting part of the sorrows of Mary is that she treasured everything in her heart and meditated on them which we read in the subsequent passages. This is where she gets strength to comprehend and accept so painful mysteries of her life.

Dear friends, the mystery of our Christian faith is demanding as that became demanding for mother Mary. The mystery of Christian faith is demanding because it demands our lives to be moulded according to the demands of Christian life as Paul exhorts Timothy in the first reading. It should be becoming of our Christian life in the Christian family (Church). Mother Mary is a beautiful example of how to live our Christian life according to it's demand. It's by surrendering everything to God and by treasuring in our hearts that are at that given time mysterious and by meditating on them to know the will and plan of God for us. It's by every moment trying to know the will of God for her, she could co-operate with God in His redemptive plan. We are also invited to co-operate with God in His redeeming action that He accomplishes, by meditating on the events of our lives through which God unfolds His plan to us.

The feast of Our Lady of Sorrows reminds us that she, by her 'fiat' to God, embraced the suffering so that the humanity could be saved, hence we are also invited today to never hesitate or be discouraged when we undergo pain and suffering for the sake of others. Sometimes, our suffering can bring joy to many. The sufferings of such kind will certainly find favour in the sight of God as blessed mother found favour in the sight of God.

May God help us discern His will in our lives.

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