First Reading - 1 Timothy 1:15-17

Gospel - Luke 6: 43-49

We can know the strength of a house by its depth and foundation. If the foundation of a house is strong, lesser possibility of destruction of it by flood, earthquake or other natural calamities. Hence, there is a need to lay a strong foundation. The readings of the day invite us to strengthen and reinforce the foundation of our Christian life.

In the first reading, Paul continues with the teaching of mercy and salvation. He confidently and emphatically instructs Timothy to not swerve from the faith he has been taught about the mercy of God and salvation in Jesus Christ. Paul is not ashamed to tell that Jesus came to save the sinners and he is one of them. He also tells that Christ has shown him his mercy and he himself stands out as an example of God's mercy; a transformed person in Christ from persecutor to an apostle. Paul teaches Timothy to remain strong in faith (in Jesus Christ who saves us and shows his mercy to us) which is the foundation of Christian life.

The gospel passage of today lays emphasis on laying a strong foundation of our Christian life. The gospel proposes two ways by which we can reinforce or strengthen the foundation of our Christian life; firstly, by treasuring good values and virtues in our hearts and rooting out evil from our hearts; secondly, by carrying out the commandment of God or living our lives according to the word of God.

The first way, as suggested in the gospel, to reinforce the foundation of our Christian life mentions that just as a tree is known by its fruits whether good or bad so is with our human character and Christian life. Our life is reflected by what we speak from the treasury of our hearts. If we have harboured good values, virtues and thoughts, that will be visible in our speech. However, if the treasury of heart is filled with evil, that will be seen in our the speech.

The second way as the gospel suggests to reinforce our foundation is by listening to the word of Jesus and carrying them out. God speaks to us through the Bible or the Word of God, when we attempt everyday to live according to it, we build our foundation of faith of Christian life strong. If we listen to it, but remain inactive and unaffected, this will never reinforce our foundation of faith of Christian life.

Dear friends, we are given the grace of faith, as St. Paul mentions in the first reading, which is required for our salvation. This is the foundation for our Christian life. Let's reinforce it everyday by treasuring good values, virtues and thoughts in our hearts. This we can do by reading the Bible or some good books pertaining to faith or the lives of saints. They will certainly keep our hearts filled with good treasures. Let's also try every time to carry out the message or inspiration of the gospel imparted to us at the celebration of Mass or by personal reading of the Bible. 

May God help us in our endeavour to make our foundation of our Christian life strong.

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